11/13/2021 Meeting

Attendees: Paul, Gabriella, Alyssa

We each presented our design that we came up with as a design option for our Pugh Chart. We then created a fourth option that included the best design elements of each of our designs. We began to assemble the Pugh Chart to help us choose a final design. 

The group will plan to meet with Dr.Klaesner and Mike this week to make sure the group has the Pugh chart on track. The group will meet next week Saturday to finish the Pugh chart and start on the progress report paper. 

11/15/2-21 Meeting with Professor Klaesner

Our group wanted to meet with Professor Klaesner to get some clarifications on the requirements for the progress report. Paul and Alyssa attended.

Our biggest concerns were about the Pugh chart. We wanted to confirm we were on the right track and doing it mostly correct. He said it looks good but said he wants upwards of ten designs. Designs can use similar products but the distinguishing feature should be a different concept than the previous designs, i.e. cannot have one design with a certain type of tube, then have another design with all of the same features and the only difference is the material of the tube. The bulk of the Pugh chart can be in the appendix and we can put certain parts of it into the report as needed.

The design requirements and specifications are the same things. He wants roughly 25 specifications. Similar to the Gantt chart, the Pugh chart can be put in the appendix and separated out in the report. For this report, we need to mention if we change them, but in the future, we ‘pretend’ like the specifications we have are the ones we’ve had since the beginning.

For the statement of design alternatives; the evidence of brainstorming includes our ideas and sketches but the sketches MUST be using electronic media (like on an iPad or tablet of sort not pencil and paper with a picture taken). In this section we are also referencing our Pugh chart designs, can maybe add a picture and three to four sentences stating how it works. List the pros and cons and make sure they agree with the Pugh chart. Do NOT need to justify every value in the Pugh chart.

The analysis performed to choose the solution simply needs to be convincing, can talk about what Mike wants and thinks about our solution. We can also reference text and our Pugh chart pros and cons.

The design notebook will be graded thoroughly after the semester ends, first grade was an estimate of where we are at.