11/20/2021: Team meeting
Attendees: Alyssa, Paul, Gabriella
- Researched existing solutions more specific to the clients needs and began designing the rest of the alternative solutions
- Finalized Pugh Chart following the guidelines Professor Klaesner relayed to us in the 11/15/21 Meeting with him.
- Assignments for next week:
- Gabriella will start writing up the design specifications and budget allocation
- Paul and Alyssa will start to compile list of pros and cons for chosen design alternatives
- Meeting next Saturday
- Developed more questions to ask Mike in our next meeting with him
- Wrote up finalized design specifications based on our discussion of product requirements for the final product.
- Began researching specifying parts/components that we will use to fulfill design specifications in order to create a preliminary budget for our project.
- Created a plan for completing the next week to finalize our progress report and scheduled a meeting to discuss it.