Discovery and Targeting of a Noncanonical Mechanism of Sarcoma Resistance to ADI-PEG20 Mediated by the Microenvironment. Rogers LC, Kremer JC, Brashears CB, Lin Z, Hu Z, Bastos ACS, Baker A, Fettig N, Zhou D, Shoghi KI, Dehner CA, Chrisinger JSA, Bomalaski JS, Garcia BA, Oyama T, White EP, Van Tine BA.
Clinical Cancer Research 2023;29 (16):3189-3202
Malic Enzyme 1 Absence in Synovial Sarcoma Shifts Antioxidant System Dependence and Increases Sensitivity to Ferroptosis Induction with ACXT-3102. Brashears CB, Prudner BC, Rathore R, Caldwell KE, Dehner CA, Buchanan JL, Lange SES, Poulin N, Sehn JK, Roszik J, Spitzer D, Jones KB, O’Keefe R, Nielsen TO, Taylor EB, Held JM, Hawkins W, Van Tine BA.
Clinical Cancer Research 2022: 28(16):3573-3589
Pathogenesis and Current Treatment of Osteosarcoma: Perspectives for Future Therapies. Rathore R, Van Tine BA.
Metabolic compensation activates pro-survival mTORC1 signaling upon 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase inhibition in osteosarcoma. Rathore R, Caldwell KE, Schutt C, Brashears CB, Prudner BC, Ehrhardt WR, Leung CH, Lin H, Daw NC, Beird HC, Giles A, Wang WL, Lazar AJ, Chrisinger JSA, Livingston JA, Van Tine BA.
Genomic andneoantigen evolution from primary tumor to first metastases in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma., Schutt CR, Sun H, Pradham JS, Saenger Y, Ley J, Adkins D, Ingham M, Ding L, Van Tine BA.
Intracellular arginine-dependent translation sensor reveals the dynamics of arginine starvation response and resistance in ASS1-negative cells., Rogers LC, Zhou J, Baker A, Schutt CR, Panda PK, Van Tine BA.
Systems level profiling of arginine starvation reveals MYC and ERK adaptive metabolic reprogramming., Brashears CB, Barlin M, Ehrhardt WR, Rathore R, Schultze M, Tzeng SC, Van Tine BA, Held JM
Cell Death Dis. 2020 Aug 20;11(8):662
PHGDH as a mechanism for resistance in metabolically-driven cancers., Rathore R, Schutt CS, Van Tine BA.
Cisplatin exposure causes c-Myc-dependent resistance to CDK4/6 inhibition in HPV-negative head and neck squamous cell carcinoma., Robinson AM, Rathore R, Redlich NJ, Adkins DR, VanArsdale T, Van Tine BA, Michel LS.
Cell Death Dis. 2019 Nov 14;10(11):867
Arginine starvation and Docetaxel induce c-Myc-driven hENT1 surface expression to overcome gemcitabine resistance in ASS1-negative tumors., Prudner BC, Rathore R, Robinson A, Godec A, Change SF, Hawikins WG, Hirbe AC, Van Tine BA
Clin Cancer Res 2019 Aug 15;25(16):5122-5134
Innate and adaptive resistance mechanisms to arginine deprivation therapies in sarcoma and other cancers.
Cancer Drug Resist 2019 Jun 14; 2:516-526
Driver Fusions and Their Implications in the Development and Treatment of Human Cancers. Gao Q, Liang WW, Foltz SM, Mutharasu G, Jayasinghe RG, Cao S, Liao WW, Reynolds SM, Wyczalkowski MA, Yao L, Yu L, Sun SQ; Fusion Analysis Working Group; Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network, Chen K, Lazar AJ, Fields RC, Wendl MC, Van Tine BA, Vij R, Chen F, Nykter M, Shmulevich I, Ding L.Gao Q, et al.
Cell Rep. 2018 Apr 3; 23(1):227-238
Amino Acid Uptake Measured by [18F]AFETP Increases in Response to Arginine Starvation in ASS1-Deficient Sarcomas. Prudner BC, Sun F, Kremer JC, Xu J, Huang C, Sai KKS, Morgan Z, Leeds H, McConathy J, Van Tine BA. Prudner BC, et al. Theranostics. 2018 Mar 7;8(8):2107-2116.
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Anti-Trop2 blockade enhances the therapeutic efficacy of ErbB3 inhibition in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Redlich N, Robinson AM, Nickel KP, Stein AP, Wheeler DL, Adkins DR, Uppaluri R, Kimple RJ, Van Tine BA, Michel LS.Redlich N, et al
Cell Death Dis. 2018 Jan 5; 9(1):5
Therapeutic arginine starvation in ASS1-deficient cancers inhibits the Warburg effect. Kremer JC, Van Tine BA., 2017
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Arginine deprivation inhibits the Warburg effect and upregulates glutamine anaplerosis and serine biosynthesis in ASS1-deficient cancers.,
Cell Rep 2017 Jan 24;18(4):991-100
A phase II study of tivozanib in patients with metastatic and nonresectable soft-tissue sarcomas
Ann Oncol 2017 Jan; 28(1):121-127
Phase II study of MLN8237 (Alisertib) in advanced/metastatic sarcoma
Ann Oncol 2016 Oct;27(10):1855-60
A metabolic synthetic lethal strategy with arginine deprivation and chloroquine leads to cell death in ASS1-deficient sarcomas
Cell Death Dis 2016 Oct 13;7(10):e2406
Conjugation to the sigma-2 ligand SV119 overcomes uptake blockade and converts dm-Erastin into a potent pancreatic cancer therapeutic
Oncotarget 2016 Jun 7;7(23):33529-41