March 2023 Memorial Site Improvement Update
Thank you for your patience during the Memorial Grove renewal project. The hardscape portion of the project is complete, which includes the newly constructed memorial area. Beginning in the spring of 2022, the project team’s landscape efforts have been focused along the entrance drive and around the site’s perimeter. Our goal has been to preserve the natural landscape and add supplemental planting in support of environmental stewardship of that landscape.
The remaining landscape work will continue through the fall of 2023:
- Trees and shrubs will be planted around the memorial area in early-mid spring 2023.
- Perennials will be planted around the memorial area in mid-late spring 2023.
- Plant markers will begin to be installed in the spring of 2023, as planting work occurs.
- Spring bulbs will be planted in the fall of 2023.
Biweekly maintenance will continue to occur on the site and will be monitored closely by the OFMD project team. Off-scheduled maintenance will occur as needed due to weather conditions.
The site is now open from dawn to dusk, but will be closed during times of inclement weather. The site now has a paved area which identifies the accessible path. Please always use care when using the meandering path behind the memorial area. Planting and project work will continue through the fall of 2023 to complete the project.
The project team shipped memorial leaves to families in the late fall of 2021. If you have not confirmed your mailing address or have not yet received your loved one’s leaf, please contact Lauren Hurt, Program Manager, at 314-286-2515 or
Inquiries related to the donor program should be directed to Dan Loesche, Program Manager, at 314-362-3599 or
We have appreciated your correspondence as we have moved forward with the Memorial Grove renewal project. The Memorial Grove website will be updated as landscape renovations continue. Moving forward, please refer to the website or contact Lauren Hurt, Program Manager, for updates or if you have any questions. Thank you again for your continued patience and ongoing support of the School of Medicine Education Program.
December 2022 Memorial Site Improvement – Progress Photos

November 2022 Memorial Site Improvement Update
We appreciate your patience as we have mitigated through supply chain delays due to the pandemic.
We are excited to announce that United Construction will mobilize for construction at the Memorial Grove site on Tuesday, November 15th. Substantial completion of construction is expected in January 2023.
As we are entering the season of colder temperatures, the substantial completion timeframe is weather dependent. During construction, the website will be updated with project updates. As a reminder, the Memorial Grove site will be closed during construction.
A construction banner was installed on the site earlier this fall, showing a rendering of the Memorial Grove design and contact information for the project. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Lauren Hurt, Program Manager, with any questions at 314-286-2515 or
August 2022 Memorial Grove Site Improvement Update
We are working with the contractor to finalize the construction schedule and timelines. Unfortunately, we experiences a slight delay due to the pandemic which resulted in difficulty getting building materials. We now anticipate beginning construction of the memorial in mid-September 2022 and hope to reach substantial completion by November 2022.
Regarding the landscape efforts, the project team’s goal is to preserve the natural landscape and add supplemental planting in support of environmental stewardship of that landscape. Please see details of the landscape renovation to date under the July 2022 update.
As part of the project, plant markers will be added to the site to explain what the native plantings are and why they have been incorporated into the site design. Additional landscaping work will occur once the new memorial is in place.
In November 2021, the project team began shipments of memorial leaves to families. If you have not confirmed your mailing address or have not yet received your loved one’s leaf, please contact Lauren Hurt, Program Manager, at 314-286-2515 or
July 2022 Memorial Grove Site Improvement Update
We have submitted the project for funding approval, and the project team is working on developing a construction schedule. We anticipate beginning construction in September 2022, and we hope to reach substantial completion by November 2022. To ensure the safety of the contractors & visitors, Memorial Grove will be closed while it is under construction, and once started, the project updates will be posted here for your reference. Please reach out to Lauren Hurt, Program Manager, with any questions at or 314-286-2515.
To date, the project team’s landscape renovation efforts have been focused along the entrance drive and around the site’s perimeter, allowing space to install the new memorial. Details of the landscape renovation to date include:
- Boulder outcroppings were installed along the entry (fall 2021)
- Thirty-four trees were planted of the following varieties: Eastern Red Cedar, Downy Serviceberry, ‘White’ Eastern Redbuds, & Chick-a-saw Plums (fall 2021)
- Weathered limestone boulders & decorative gravel were installed to form the dry creek bed (spring 2022)
- Nurse logs were strategically placed around the meandering path (spring 2022)
- Bareroot & container shrubs, including Vernal Witchhazel, Coralberry, Spicebush, Arrowwood Viburnum & Hydrangea were added (spring 2022)
- American Holly, Clump Redbuds, & Possumhaws were planted (spring 2022)
- 500 plugs of Buffalo Grass were planted along the entrance sign and driveway (summer 2022)
April 2022 Memorial Grove Site Improvement Update
Preliminary site work was completed in January 2022, and the final design for the Memorial Grove has been selected. The design can be found by following this link: Final Memorial Grove Design – April 2022
We are beginning the process of identifying contractors and are hopeful that we will have the beautification completed by November 2022.
December 2021 Memorial Grove Site Improvement Update
Projected Schedule of Work | Timeframe |
Complete civil and structural project and site design | Winter 2021 |
Adjust concept design as necessary to incorporate civil & structural findings | Winter 2021 |
Competitive bidding process for construction | Spring 2022 |
Submit project budget for funding and approval | Spring 2022 |
Implement project improvements | Summer-Fall 2022 |
November 2021 Memorial Grove Site Improvement Update
Site civil and engineering work is in progress to ensure proper site design. This work will then help us determine any site design changes necessary to the current design concept to achieve the intended project outcomes. Once finalized, the final design will be completed and shared in the spring 2022 update.
October 2021 Memorial Grove Site Improvement Update
We thank you for your patience as we continue the restoration of the Tyson Memorial Grove. As of Sept. 24, the landscape contractor has completed short-term improvements to the site, including tree maintenance, manicuring native plantings, mowing, mulch installation and walkway definition. The landscape contractor will continue to visit the site on a biweekly basis to maintain the grounds. In addition, improvements to the memorial wall have been made to address water infiltration.
Family Review Town Hall
A virtual meeting to discuss the design concept being proposed will take place in October. Lauren Hurt, program manager, will work with families to confirm attendance or offer an alternative form of review. All families will receive an update post-review that includes a summary of the information shared within the review session.
Memorial Leaf Return and Refund
All leaves are expected to be shipped in November. Please confirm your mailing address with Lauren Hurt, program manager, to ensure your leaf arrives promptly and safely.
If you have yet to receive a refund check or have any additional questions, please contact Lauren Hurt, program manager, at or 314-286-2515.
September 2021 Memorial Grove Site Improvement:
Current Update on Site Maintenance
We apologize for the inconvenience you may have experienced during your past and recent visits to the Memorial Grove and the delay in site condition improvements and repairs.
Effective immediately, a landscape contractor will service the site on a biweekly basis. The memorial grove management is transitioning to the medical campus operations team and planning for the monument wall replacement, walkway improvements, signage, and beautification improvements have begun. This transition will provide for medical campus-level oversight and allow access to maintenance resources. The site will remain natural in the early stages, but targeted beautification and enhancements will occur as plans are developed.
Thank you for your understanding and patience
Due to the delays caused by water infiltration and memorial installation, we have refunded all families for all leaves purchased (installed and pending installation). Refunds should be received no later than Sept. 26, 2021.
- A letter was mailed on Aug. 31 to families who have purchased a memorial outlining the maintenance and planning process.
- As plans develop, further information will be provided.
A plan forward – the transition of physical site management
(8/25/2021) The memorial grove management is transitioning to the campus operations team and planning for the monument wall restoration (or replacement), walkway improvements, signage, and beautification improvements. Concept plans are being prepared and will be available on this website by Oct. 3, 2021. This transition will provide campus-level oversight and allow access to maintenance resources.
Family design participation
We are interested in family feedback on site renewal and monument design. Any family interested in providing input on the site renewal planning concept should contact Lauren Hurt, Planning Assistant at or 314-286-2515, and sign up to participate in our design focus review at the end of September. No follow-up is necessary for families that have already expressed interest directly with our Associate Vice-Chancellor Melissa Hopkins; you are included on the focus review participant listing. We anticipate that the concept review process will begin in early October. Please watch this site for additional updates.
Please don’t hesitate contact Lauren Hurt, Planning Assistant, with any questions you may have related to the physical memorial grove site or leaf reimbursements. For inquiries related to the donor program that are not memorial grove site-related, please contact Dan Loesche, Program Manager, at or 314-362-3599.
Thank you again for your patience and commitment to the memorial grove and the School of Medicine Education Program. We look forward to sharing more information with you as we move forward.