Developing common skill sets in engineering doctoral students towards solving difficult problems in neural engineering


Year 1

Semester 1Semester 2Summer 1
Advertise TNNT ProgramJournal Club 1 ParticipantBoot Camp Participant

Year 3

Semester 5Semester 6Summer 3
CINT Invention SessionsCINT Invention SessionsCINT Innovation Fellowship

Year 2

Semester 3Semester 4Summer 2
Journal Club 2 ParticipantNeural systems courseBoot Camp Mentor

Year 4

Semester 7Semester 8
Journal Club 2 MentorJournal Club 1 Mentor

TNNT Core Classes

In addition to attending all the activities listed in the tables above, each trainee must take 2 of the 4 core courses listed below for successful completion of the TNNT Pathway.

  • BME 572:  Biological Neural Computation
  • ESE 5xx:  Machine Learning & Optimization in Analysis & Modeling of Neural Circuits
  • BME 5501: Translational Neuroengineering
  • BME 474:  Open Challenges in Systems Neuroscience