2010, BS in Physical Engineering, Polytechnic of Turin
2012, International MS in Physics of Complex Systems, International university consortium (Polytechnic of Turin, International School for Advanced Studies and International Centre for Theoretical Physics of Trieste, Universities Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris Diderot, Paris-Sud and École Normale Supérieure at Cachan)
2015, PhD in Physics, École Normale Supérieure (Paris), Laboratories of Statistical and Theoretical Physics
2020, Post-doc in Theoretical Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, Computational Neuroscience Initiative
Selected honors
2017, Swartz Foundation Fellowship Award for Theory in Neuroscience
2015, Computational Neuroscience Initiative Postdoctoral Fellowship
2010, admitted to the Alta Scuola Politecnica (declined)
2009, University College “Renato Einaudi” Award to the 4 best students of the year