Current Projects
Agents’ Secrets
Unexpected Routes: Refugee Writers in Mexico (Stanford UP, 2023)
Mapping Migration, Identity and Space (2018)
Co-edited with Timothy Parsons
This interdisciplinary collection of essays focuses on the ways in which movements of people across natural, political, and cultural boundaries shape identities that are inexorably linked to the geographical space that individuals on the move cross, inhabit, and leave behind. As conflicts over identities and space continue to erupt on a regular basis, this book reads the relationship between migration, identity, and space from a fresh and innovative perspective.
Jewish Spain: A Mediterranean Memory (2014)
Revisiting Jewish Spain in the Modern Era (2013)
Co-edited with Daniela Flesler and Adrián Pérez Melgosa
Fearless Women in the Mexican Revolution and the Spanish Civil War
Recent Articles and Book Chapters
“Writing Mobility, Writing Stillness: Silvia Mistral’s Transatlantic Displacements,” Comparative Literature Studies, 60, no.1 (2023), 95-122.
“A Novel that Never Was: Ruth Rewald’s Vier Spanische Jungen,” Jewish Imaginaries of the Spanish Civil War: In Search of Poetic Justice. Edited by Cynthia Gabbay (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022)
“Barbed Wire: A History of Cruelty.” Liquid Borders: Migration as Resistance. Edited by Mabel Moraña. London: Routledge, 2021
“A Tale in the ‘Language of my Mother Spain’: Carmen Pérez-Avello’s Un muchacho sefardí,” Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History. 18 (December 2020)
“Routes of the Renowned and the Nameless.” Spain, World War II, and the Holocaust. Edited by Sara Brenneis and Gina Herrmann. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019.
“‘In Faraway Land:’ Spain, the Sephardim and the Holocaust.” Sefardische Perspektiven/ Sephardic Perspectives, Edited by Sina Rauschenbach. Hentrich & Hentrich, 2019.
“How Does Migration Take Place?” With Timothy Parsons. Mapping Migration, Identity, and Space. London and New York: Palgrave, 2018.
“Moving Barbed Wire: Geographies of Border Crossing During World War II.” Mapping Migration, Identity, and Space. London and New York: Palgrave, 2018.
“No Solid Ground: Max Aub’s Roots and Routes.” Tesserae, Journal of Latin American and Iberian Studies.” (June 2017)
“‘Our Clown:’ European Memory and Sentimental Nationality in Charlie Rivel’s Unexpected Itinerary.” Bulletin of Spanish Studies. 94 (2017): 91-110.
“At Europe’s End: Geographies of Mediterranean Crossings. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research. 22.1 (2016).
“Europe’s Jewish Places.” Aschkenas 25.2 (2015): 209-20.
Introduction: “Revisiting Jewish Spain: Translations, Appropriations, and Commemorations in the Modern Era” Special issue of the Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies. 12.1 (2011). With Daniela Flesler and Adrián Pérez Melgosa. Reprinted as “Revisiting Jewish Spain in the Modern Era.” London and New York: Routledge, 2013. 1-12.
“Surviving the Holocaust in Sepharad: Trudi Alexy’s Story.” History & Memory. 22.2 (Fall-
Winter 2010): 97–126.