Tips for Internal Development at the University

Kris Campa, Director, John B. Ervin Scholars Program, Office of Scholar Programs, Division of Student Affairs; Ally Schipma, Manager, Residential Life Conduct and Interim Assistant Director, Student Conduct and Community Standards, Division of Student Affairs; and Ivory Woodhouse, Manager, HR Operations, Division of Student Affairs

In this session, three current Student Affairs employees discuss their experiences managing their personal internal movement at Washington University.  They will provide information and respond to questions on how they were able to advance within the University.

Adaptation, Transition and Flexibility

Julia Macias, Associate Dean, Office of Scholar Programs, Division of Student Affairs

The workshop explores social class and status’s impact on students, teams, and peers – and strategies for creating equitable spaces that increase the department’s equity, effectiveness, and sense of belonging.

CAREER: Strengths Based Career Development

Mandy Curtis, Campus Life

Please join Mandy Curtis as she guides you through activities and conversations designed to help you leverage your Clifton Strengths within your work. This session is not intended to be an introduction to Clifton Strengths, but a deeper dive for people who have already taken and have a basic understanding of their strengths.

Please be sure to bring your top 5 strengths with you!

Cultivating Skills to Grow as an Informal Leader

Monica Robinson, Career Center, Division of Student Affairs

Many people are looking to grow as leaders even if they aren’t officially part of the management team. Informal leadership is all about credibility and influence that is valued and can be developed over time. We will start from where you are and assess your informal leadership strengths and areas for improvement. Then we’ll discuss how to Boost Your Reputation and Brand. Finally, we will also look at the formula 5=2+1+1 to become that Extraordinary Informal Leader that’s ready for the next leadership opportunity!

HEALTHY EXCELLENCE: Stressed is Desserts Spelled Backwards

Jodi Seals, Habif Health and Wellness Center

Get ready to relax! Start the journey by learning healthy vs unhealthy stressors, focusing on strategies to decrease the negative impacts of our stress! Then don your sleep mask and get your zen on! Finish with a dose of gratitude before you head out!

JEDI: Universal Design Student Affairs

Katharine Pei, Student Transitions & Family Programs; Renaldo Luna Gacad, Student Transitions & Family Programs.

Universal Design (UD) calls for an environment that can be accessed,
understood, and used to the greatest extent possible by all people regardless of their
age, size, ability, or disability. At its core, the purpose of student affairs is to educate, to
create environments where students can learn about themselves and others, and
provide the resources and supports for students to thrive in postsecondary education.
UD can, and should be, applied to student affairs. As a result of this session,
participants will define UD, outline the principles and guidelines for UD, understand the
value and purpose of UD for student affairs, and be able to describe the eight steps for
implementing UD into their work.

Leading with Staff Wellness in Mind

Brittany McDaniel, PhD, Associate Director, Residential Education, Residential Life, Division of Student Affairs

This session draws on research studying the workplace well-being experiences of residence life staff, but the findings of the study can be applied broadly across functional areas. Join this session to learn tangible ways you can support your team’s well-being within the workplace and create an action plan on how you will begin to evolve your approach to supporting employee well-being in your area!

Making New Staff a Part of Your Team!

Aaron Keen, Head Football Coach, Athletics and Recreation; Jim Conlon, Head Soccer Coach, Athletics and Recreation; Vanessa Walby, Head Volleyball Coach, Athletics and Recreation, Division of Student Affairs

In this session our coaches will discuss how they recruit and integrate new members of the campus community into their teams.

Permission to Pause: Resources for Rest, Reflection & Feeling Like a Person Again

Callista Isabelle, Director, Religious, Spiritual & Ethical Life, Student Affairs

Ready for a pause? Drop by this session for a few minutes or the whole hour to learn strategies for rest, reflection and rejuvenation. Connect with colleagues as we name why pausing is difficult and explore ways to incorporate pauses into our busy schedules. This is your permission to pause (with fun giveaways)!

Responding to Hierarchies

Jacqueline Carter, Equity, Diversity Manager, Olin School of Business and Saint Rice, EdD, Assistant Dean for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion & Director of Faculty, Staff, and Community Engagement, Olin School of Business

This workshop explores social class and status’s impact on students, teams, and peers – and strategies for creating equitable spaces that increase the department’s equity, effectiveness, and sense of belonging.