Chris Stone, EdD

Chris Stone, EdD

Director, Disability Resources

Chris Stone, EdD leads Disability Resources in its efforts to assist disabled students in meeting their academic and personal development goals and support the University community in the broader mission of inclusivity and equitable opportunity for disabled students at Washington University. Chris advocates situating disability within the broader context of diversity and recognizing the ways in which the intersectionality of disability and other identities can impact students’ equitable inclusion, access, and sense of place within a community. Dr. Stone frequently presents on the national level, often on topics specifically related to disability access and inclusion, but geared toward Student Affairs professionals more generally. In Spring 24 Chris was a facilitator of the Association on Higher Education and Disability’s (AHEAD) Master Class for Experienced Professionals, leading a 3 day class titled “Navigating the Intricate Maze: Evaluating Complex Accommodation Requests.”