Myron Northrop Professor of Economics
Senior Associate Dean of Doctoral Programs
Olin Business School
Washington University in St. Louis
Campus Box 1133
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130
email: stephen.p.ryan(at)


Hello, and welcome to my webpage. I have been a member of the Economics group in the Olin Business School at WashU since 2016. I am presently the Senior Associate Dean of Doctoral Programs and Area Chair of the Economics group. I teach in the executive MBA programs in Mumbai and Shanghai and have a doctoral-level class in Antitrust and Regulation every other year. My research areas are rooted in industrial organization and applied econometrics. I have applied IO tools to environmental, development, and health economics contexts. I presently am working on three main projects: a structural evaluation of the federally-facilitated ACA Marketplaces; estimating the implied value of statistical life revealed through the choices of first-time US Army re-enlistees; and the application of machine learning tools to allow for adaptive semiparametric estimation.

New Version of Part D Paper Posted

New Version of Part D Paper Posted

After a two-year revision, we have posted a new version of our paper, “Subsidy Design in Privately-Provided Social Insurance: Evidence from Medicare Part D.” This paper was formerly titled “The Welfare Effects of Supply-Side Regulations in Medicare Part D.” The two major changes in this version are the use of microdata and the inclusion of […]
New Version of Moment Forests posted

New Version of Moment Forests posted

Please find a new version of my paper, “Moment Forests” (formerly “Classification Trees for Heterogeneous Moment-Based Models”), joint with Sam Asher, Denis Nekipelov, and Paul Novosad, located here: Moment Forests. We have submitted the paper for review.

Pakistani Schooling Project Working Paper Posted

A new working paper is up: “Delivering Education to the Underserved through a Public-Private Partnership Program in Pakistan.” [PDF] Abstract: This study experimentally evaluates the short-term impacts of public per-student subsidies to partnering local entrepreneurs to establish and operate tuition-free, coeducational, private primary schools in educationally underserved villages in Sindh province, Pakistan. Two subsidy structures […]

The Welfare Effects of Supply-Side Incentives in Medicare Part D

We have posted a new version of our working paper, “The Welfare Effects of Supply-Side Incentives in Medicare Part D,” (PDF) written jointly with Francesco Decarolis and Maria Polyakova. The new version has extensive changes to the treatment of low-income subsidy enrollees, adjustments to the MA-PD outside option as an endogenous response to changes in the […]