First draft of User’s Guide to Dickstein and Morales

The first draft of a discussion of how the Dickstein-Morales discrete choice estimator works, how to perform inference in that setting, and some practical pitfalls to be aware of is posted here. I will update in the future with a Monte Carlo study of coverage and rejection rates for various implementation choices.

Slides for KIET Talk on Dynamic Games

Here are some short, very informal slides that I made for a seminar at the Korean Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET) covering two-step methods for the estimation of dynamic games using Bajari, Benkard, and Levin (ECMA, 2006). I also link the methodology to my paper, Ryan (ECMA, 2012), on the cement industry. [PDF]

VSL Nov 7


SITE slides

ACA_SubsidyTargeting (8)

Update to VSL Paper

VSL Bid Curves by Subsample

We have an updated version of our paper using Army reenlistment decisions to estimate the value of statistical life (VSL): [PDF] The Heterogeneous Value of a Statistical Life: Evidence from U.S. Army Reenlistment Decisions

New Version of Targeted Subsidies and Market Power

After a year of revision (adding in marginal cost by type, preferences for redistribution, and refocusing the paper to look at distributional effects of targeting with market power), I’m happy to post the updated version: Subsidy Targeting with Market Power

Update to Pakistan Schools Paper

We have just updated our paper, “Delivering Education to the Underserved through a Public-Private Partnership Program in Pakistan.” You can find it here: PPRS_Jan31_2020.pdf.

Paper submitted: Subsidy Targeting with Market Power

My paper with Maria Polyakova, “Subsidy Targeting with Market Power,” is finally under review. A brief synopsis of the paper appeared on Stanford’s front page: