Myron Northrop Professor of Economics
Senior Associate Dean of Doctoral Programs
Olin Business School
Washington University in St. Louis
Campus Box 1133
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130
email: stephen.p.ryan(at)


Hello, and welcome to my webpage. I have been a member of the Economics group in the Olin Business School at WashU since 2016. I am presently the Senior Associate Dean of Doctoral Programs and Area Chair of the Economics group. I teach in the executive MBA programs in Mumbai and Shanghai and have a doctoral-level class in Antitrust and Regulation every other year. My research areas are rooted in industrial organization and applied econometrics. I have applied IO tools to environmental, development, and health economics contexts. I presently am working on three main projects: a structural evaluation of the federally-facilitated ACA Marketplaces; estimating the implied value of statistical life revealed through the choices of first-time US Army re-enlistees; and the application of machine learning tools to allow for adaptive semiparametric estimation.

First draft of User’s Guide to Dickstein and Morales

The first draft of a discussion of how the Dickstein-Morales discrete choice estimator works, how to perform inference in that setting, and some practical pitfalls to be aware of is posted here. I will update in the future with a Monte Carlo study of coverage and rejection rates for various implementation choices.

Slides for KIET Talk on Dynamic Games

Here are some short, very informal slides that I made for a seminar at the Korean Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET) covering two-step methods for the estimation of dynamic games using Bajari, Benkard, and Levin (ECMA, 2006). I also link the methodology to my paper, Ryan (ECMA, 2012), on the cement industry. [PDF]