Notations: *co-first authors, ^ mentored students as coauthors

Suicidality in Young Children

Hennefield, L., Hao, J. M., Joiner, T. E., Whalen, D. J., Giorio, C., & Luby, J. L. (2022). Young children with suicidal thoughts and behaviors more likely to resolve conflicts with violence, homicide, or suicide: A study of internal working models using narratives. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 131(1), 26-33. (PDF)

Whalen, D. J., Hennefield, L., Elsayed, N., Tillman, R., Barch, D., & Luby, J. (2021). Trajectories of suicidal thoughts and behaviors from preschool through late adolescence. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Hennefield, L., Whalen, D. J., Wood, G., Chavarria, M. C., & Luby, J. L. (2019). Changing conceptions of death as a function of depression status, suicidal ideation, and media exposure in early childhood, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 58(3), 339-349. (PDF)

Childhood Psychopathology

Hoyniak, C., Donohue, M. R., Quiñones Camacho, L. E., Vogel, A., Perino, M. Hennefield, L., Tillman, R., Barch, D. M., & Luby, J. L. (accepted). Developmental pathways from preschool temper tantrums to later psychopathology. Development and Psychopathology. 

Schwarzlose, R. F., Hennefield, L., Hoyniak, C. P., Luby, J. L., & Gilbert, K. E. Picky eating in childhood: Associations with obsessive compulsive symptoms. (2022). Journal of Pediatric Psychology, jsac006.

Donohue, M. R., Yin, J., Quiñones Camacho, L. E., Hennefield, L., Gilbert, K., Whalen, J., Barch, D. M., & Luby, J. L. (2022). Children’s maternal representations moderate the efficacy of Parent–Child Interaction Therapy—Emotion Development (PCIT-ED) treatment for preschool depression. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology,

Silver, J., Barch, D. M., Klein, D. N., Whalen, D. J., Hennefield, L., Tillman, R., & Luby, J. L. (2021). A brief early childhood screening tool for psychopathology risk in primary care: The moderating role of poverty. The Journal of Pediatrics, 236,164-171.

Donohue, M. R., Whalen, D. J., Gilbert, K. E., Hennefield, L., Barch, D. M., & Luby, J. L. (2019). Preschool depression: A diagnostic reality. Current Psychiatry Reports, 21(12), 128. doi:10.1007/s11920-019-1102-4 

Social Cognition

^Rackoff, G. N., ^Lagoni, D. W., ^Shoshany, M. F., ^Moursi, N. A., Hennefield, L. (2022). The impact of informant gender on children’s endorsement of scientific and non-scientific information.The British Journal of Developmental Psychology40(1), 170–186.

Hennefield, L., ^Talpey, L. M., & Markson, L. (2021). When positive outcomes and reality collide: Children prefer optimists as social partners. Cognitive Development, 59, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2021.101070

Developmental Neuroscience

Hennefield, L., Gilbert, K., Whalen, D., ^Giorio, C., Quiñones Camacho, L. E., Kelly, D., Fleuchaus, E., Barch, D. M., Luby, J. L., & Hajcak, G. (2022). The reward positivity shows increased amplitude and decreased latency with increasing age in early childhood. Developmental Science, 25(3), e13196.

Barch, D. M., Donohue, M. R., Elsayed, N. M., Gilbert, K., Harms, M. P., Hennefield, L., Herzberg, M., Kandala, S., Karcher, N. R., Jackson, J. J., Luking, K. R., Rappaport, B. I., Sanders, A., Taylor, R., Tillman, R., Vogel, A. C., Whalen, D., & Luby, J. L. (2022). Early childhood socioeconomic status and cognitive and adaptive outcomes at the transition to adulthood: The mediating role of gray matter development across 5 scan waves. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 7(1), 34-44.

Rappaport, B. I., Hennefield, L., Kujawa, A., Arfer, K. B., Kelly, D., Kappenman, E. S., Luby, J. L., & Barch, D. M. (2019). Peer victimization and dysfunctional reward processing: ERP and behavioral responses to social and monetary rewards, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13, 1-11. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00120 (PDF)

Animal Cognition

Hennefield, L., Hwang, H. G., & Povinelli, D. J. (2019). Going meta: Retelling the scientific retelling of Aesop’s the Crow and the Pitcher. Journal of Folklore Research, 56, 45-69. doi:10.2979/jfolkrese.56.2_3.04 

Hennefield*, L., Hwang*, H. G., Weston, S. J., & Povinelli, D. J. (2018). Meta-analytic techniques reveal that corvid causal reasoning in the Aesop’s Fable paradigm is driven by trial-and-error learning, Animal Cognition, 21, 735-748.

Preference Development

Hennefield, L. & Markson, L. (2017). Four-year-old children align their preferences with those of their peers. Collabra: Psychology, 3(1), 14. doi:10.1525/collabra.89 

Luo, Y., Hennefield, L., Mou, Y., vanMarle, K., & Markson, L. (2017). Infants’ understanding of preferences when agents make inconsistent choices. Infancy, 22(6), 843-856. doi:10.1111/infa.12194

Hennefield, L. & Markson, L. (2016). If you don’t want it, neither do I: Social influences on children’s choices. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 141, 283-292. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2015.07.001

Conceptual Representations

Prasada, S., Hennefield, L., & Otap, D. (2012). Conceptual and linguistic representations of kinds and classes. Cognitive Science, 36, 1224-1250. doi:10.1111/j.1551-6709.2012.01254.x