Join us for SNOSTORM 2024 presented by SNORAD and STOPSTORM

September 3rd and 4th, 2024

in Amsterdam!

Registration is now open!

See the preliminary schedule for a list of sessions and topics.

SNOSTORM 2024 is targeted toward heart rhythm specialists, radiation oncologists, medical physicists, and any other members of the clinical and research team who are interested in learning more about the use of noninvasive cardiac radiotherapy for arrhythmia.

We believe the key to future success of this developing technology is active engagement across the disciplines. This meeting was developed to foster that collaboration, and provide a forum for idea sharing and collegiality.  As such, to ensure active cross-disciplinary participation, interested sites will be requested to bring at least one engaged representative from electrophysiology and radiation oncology.

For additional information on cardiac radioablation and our center, please visit the Center for Noninvasive Cardiac Radioablation page.