What is the purpose of the study?

The SEABIRD clinical research team at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis invites you to participate in this research study to help understand the relationship between amyloid-beta in the blood and amyloid-beta deposits in the brain. Amyloid-beta deposits in the brain are a key part of Alzheimer’s disease. Currently there are no treatments that reverse the progress of Alzheimer’s disease and diagnosis is difficult, expensive, and invasive.

The purpose of this research study is to further develop and validate a blood test for Alzheimer’s disease.

Get involved in the study

You may be eligible if you…

  • are of age 60 or above
  • do not have a bleeding disorder or active infectious disease such as HIV

To find out more about the study and how to enroll, call 314-884-8452. Please leave a voicemail with your name and callback number. One of our clinical research coordinators will call you back as soon as they can.

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