Friday, 29 September 


Welcome, introductions, and plan for the day  

Keith Russell, Dean of the College of the Humanities and Social Science 

Sandra Alfers, Erin McGlothlin, Stuart Taberner 

9.30-11.00 Seminar I: Holocaust Literature as World Literature 

11.30-12.30 Small group discussions of common themes, issues, etc.

Topic: Interdisciplinarity and Intermediality

Topic: Gender Discussion

13.30-15.00 Seminar II: Holocaust Literature: Translation and Circulation 

15.30-16.30 Introducing the teaching volume 

Saturday, 30 September 

9.30-10.00 Check in, feedback from day one, questions and ideas

10.00-11.30 Seminar IIIThe Colonial Turn in Holocaust Literature 

11.30-12.30 Small group discussions

Topic: Audience

Topic: Space/Time

Topic: Trauma Theory Discussion

13.30-14.30 Small group discussions of common themes  

Topic: Memory Studies

Topic: Interdisciplinarity and Intermediality

Topic: Gender


15.00-16.00 Public engagement discussion 

16.00-16.30 Reflections and summing up