Ran Chen, Ph.D.

Ran Chen, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor in Statistics and Data Science

Office: Jolley, Room 530

Department of Statistics and Data Science

Washington University in St. Louis
Campus Box 1281
1 Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

I am an Assistant Professor at Department of Statistics and Data Science in Washington University in St. Louis. My research interests include reinforcement learning, data-driven decision-making, optimization, statistical machine learning, high-dimensional statistics, and nonparametric statistics, in terms of theoretical aspect, methodology aspect, and applications in business (revenue management in particular) and healthcare.

Prior to joining Washington University in St. Louis, I was a postdoc researcher at the Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, working with Professor Martin J. Wainwright. I obtained my Ph.D. degree from the Statistics and Data Science Department at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. There, I have the fortune working with Professor Tony Cai and Professor Linda Zhao.


  • Ph.D. in Statistics and Data Science, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (2022)
  • B.S. in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Tsinghua University (2017)

Research Interests:

  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Data-driven decision-making
  • Optimization
  • Statistical Machine Learning
  • High-dimensional Statistics
  • Nonparametric Statistics