"Quincy" Hongkun QU
Joint-Training PhD Student (Oct 2019 - present)
- Phone: 314-935-6151
- Fax: 314-935-7361
- Email: quincyqu@nospam.epsc.wustl.edu
Publications (while working with Professor Alian Wang)
- Hongkun Qu, Alian Wang, Elijah Thimsen, and Zongcheng Ling (2022), Simulation of Venus Lightning: Radicals and Electrochemical Processes, under revision by J. Geophysical Research-Planets
- Hongkun Qu, Alian Wang, and Elijah Thimsen (2022), Breakdown of SO2 in Venus Cloud by Arc-Type Electric Discharge. Abstract #2112 for 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
- Hongkun Qu, Alian Wang, and Elijah Thimsen (2021), Laboratory simulation of Venus lightning for atmospheric and surficial electrochemistry reactions, Abstract #2166 for 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
- Hongkun Qu, Alian Wang, and Zongcheng Ling, (2021), Synthesis and spectra of a group of hydroxy ferric sulfates relevant to Mars, Abstract #2146 for 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
- Hongkun Qu, Alian Wang, and Elijah Thimsen (2020) Simulating Experiment of Venus Lightning: Electrochemistry in Atmosphere and at Surface, Abstract #2504 for 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Hongkun Qu, Alian Wang, and Elijah Thimsen (2020), Simulation experiments on electrochemical effects of Venus lightning. Abstract, to 18th VEXAG meeting.
- Hongkun Qu and Alian Wang, (2020), Laboratorial synthesis and spectral investigation of fibroferrite-group related to Mars, Abstract to 14th GeoRaman International Conference