The Preventing IDH Mutant Myeloid Neoplasms (PIMMs) clinical trial is the first clinical trial available to evaluate the effectiveness of a drug, ivosidenib, in patients who have developed a condition called clonal cytopenia of undetermined significance (CCUS).

The goal of the trial is to see if ivosidenib is effective at preventing the progression of CCUS and, possibly, the later development of a blood-related cancer, such as myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or acute myeloid leukemia (AML). CCUS is a known precursor to the development of these types of cancers. In some cases, mutations in the IDH gene can cause CCUS.

Ivosidenib already is approved by the FDA for the treatment of relapsed, refractory, and newly diagnosed IDH1-mutant AML. It also is showing promise in another clinical trial for newly diagnosed IDH1 mutant myeloid dysplastic syndrome patients.

The PIMMs Trial now is evaluating ivosidenib’s use at even earlier stages of disease before cancer develops to see if it can be effective as a preventive drug therapy. It is open to CCUS patients who have a mutation in the gene IDH1 (R132).

Onsite & Online Clinical Trial Enrollment

Eligible patients for the PIMMs clinical trial may select either onsite participation at a trial site or participate remotely with the help of their local doctor.