PSC January Newsletter
Last Call! Peer Led Lab Reviews:
EH&S Office Hours:
The next round of EH&S Office Hours will take place Thursday, January 30th from 2:00-4:00 pm in Bryan 513. This is a great opportunity to come by and chat safety with EH&S!
For the Love of Safety:
See more here:
Fume Hood Clean Out Competition:
Near Miss and Safety Star Reporting:
The Peer Safety Committee would like to remind all students of the department’s safety star and near-miss reporting (and a chance to win a prize!).
Safety star reporting allows students in the department to nominate themselves or others who are fostering an optimal and safe lab environment. Near-miss reporting tracks any unplanned event that did not cause severe injury or damage but had the potential to do so. Near-miss reports can be submitted anonymously or with contact information for follow-up discussion. Please submit safety star information here and near-miss reports here to highlight members of the department who are making safety a top priority.
Win a $25 Gift Card!!! One safety star submission will be randomly selected for a $25 Amazon gift card. If the winning submission is a self-nomination, that person will receive the gift card prize. If a student nominates another peer, both the person who submitted the safety star comment and the subject of the comment will win. One near-miss report will also be randomly selected for a $25 Amazon gift card if contact information is provided.