Every year WashU is one of six universities invited to Houston, TX for the Partners in Academic Laboratory Safety (PALS) Workshop. As one of the founding schools of this workshop, WashU is delighted to send seven members of the department to attend the workshop each year. The attendees are made up of graduate students, a department faculty member, and an EH&S representative.
This opportunity allows the attendees to view safety on an industrial scale. In an effort to bridge the gap between academic and industrial safety the attendees return to WashU with ideas for new initiatives and ideas for changes that can be made to the department. This opportunity also allows for our department to discuss safety with other schools and how different it can be.
The workshop includes safety discourse over dinner with both ExxonMobil employees and members of other schools, on site lab tours of the BTEC and Spring campuses, and informational sessions with presentations and safety brainstorming.