The Peer Safety Committee would like to highlight some safe students who submitted a safety star and near-miss reporting!
Safety Star: Issac Fuentes – I saw Aidan Mason safely and correctly transport a nitrogen tank cylinder to the teaching lab by placing it on the elevator by itself and then retrieving it by taking the stairs
Near-miss: Tom Howell – During the night I was running an experiment and my key card stopped working to get in and out of the labs in Bryan. I had to call security and they had to let me in. Luckily my experiment didn’t require direct supervision, but if I had been in trouble or had to check in on my lab mate or it was a time sensitive experiment, the half hour it takes campus police to respond could have made the difference between a disaster in lab. I’ve always said it makes no sense to rely solely on key cards which can fail and have brought up in safety and department surveys in the past. A manual key never fails and in situations where time is of the essence, manual keys are a necessity.
Great work on being safe and recognizing safe lab practices! The Peer Safety Committee would like to invite anyone else who has a safety star and near-miss to submit a report. You can be safe and have a chance to win a prize!!
Safety star reporting allows students in the department to nominate themselves or others who are fostering an optimal and safe lab environment. Near-miss reporting tracks any unplanned event that did not cause severe injury or damage but had the potential to do so. Near-miss reports can be submitted anonymously or with contact information for follow-up discussion. Please submit safety star information here and near-miss reports here to highlight members of the department who are making safety a top priority.
Win a $25 Gift Card!!! One safety star submission will be randomly selected for a $25 Amazon gift card. If the winning submission is a self-nomination, that person will receive the gift card prize. If a student nominates another peer, both the person who submitted the safety star comment and the subject of the comment will win. One near-miss report will also be randomly selected for a $25 Amazon gift card if contact information is provided.
Peer led-Lab Reviews
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our peer-led lab reviews, a fully student-driven and
engaging initiative focused on reviewing lab safety standards. This program aims to foster inter-
lab safety discussions among students and facilitate the communication of their safety concerns
to the PSC. In addition to familiarizing participants with the official EH&S lab inspection process,
we’ll cap off the session with a fun gathering featuring delicious food! Fill this short survey if you are interested in participating: SURVEY
Join Us for EH&S Office Hours!
📍 Bryan Hall 513
📅 Thursday, 11/21
🕛 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
A representative from EH&S will be available to answer your questions, discuss safety topics, and provide stickers or signage. Whether you’re looking to enhance safety practices or simply learn more, stop by and say hello! See you there!
Mental Health Awareness
As daylight hours start to shorten, seasonal depression can become an issue. Try to go outside during daylight hours, even when it’s cloudy. And with Thanksgiving coming up, make sure to connect with family and friends, and seek support if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Here’s a link to WashU Mental Health Resources.