Generative Lab – Fall 2014

Students designed and erected an installation in Mallinckrodt to make a visual statement illustrating the number of students at Wash U suffering from depression based on national statistics. What resulted was about 1800 hanging strands signifying the immensity of the problem.

A student written explanation follows:

A staggering number of college students suffer from mental health issues, depression and anxiety being the most common. Even more saddening is how few of these students seek help, or even tell their parents. A team of students collaborated on a visual installation, scheduled to be erected in the main hallway of Mallincrodkt on Thursday, December 4th, that reflects the projected percentages of WashU students who, according to national statistics, could be struggling with their psychological well-being. We hope that those who see the installation will take a moment to reflect on how this influences your life or the lives of those around you, and that there is a wealth of love and support ready.