The Advisory Committee is currently recruiting one student representative from across the Danforth and Medical School campuses. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in sharing this opportunity with students (undergraduate, graduate, and professional) who you think would be a strong addition to the committee. We will be recruiting one student.
The Charge of the Advisory Committee is to:
• Serve as a mechanism for members of the Washington University community to provide feedback about the Title IX and Gender Equity Grievance Processes. The Committee will develop a system to elicit such feedback and to transparently and publicly share the feedback received, in a way that preserves the overall confidentiality and anonymity of complainants, respondents, and witnesses.
• Provide feedback to the Provost and the Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office (GETIXCO) on overall processes and offer recommendations for improvement. In advising GETIXCO, gather feedback from the community and from complainants and respondents as appropriate and in a way that is demonstrably safe and anonymous.
• Serve as a sounding board for GETIXCO related to proposed policy and procedural changes.
The Advisory Committee will hold monthly, 60-minute meetings per year – three to four in the fall semester and three to four in the spring semester. There will be some additional time commitments outside the meetings, including time for required training, as well as time required if the Committee forms working groups to review and make recommendations on Title IX-related issues to the Director of GETIXCO.
We are committed to ensuring that the committee members represent the diverse identities and backgrounds of our community. Members will be expected to have some knowledge of the issues surrounding sexual and relationship violence and the Title IX process. Additional training will be provided as needed. Because of the nature of the subject matter, we are looking for students and trainees who are knowledgeable, mature, thoughtful, and interested in strengthening our response to these issues.
Student members will serve a minimum of a one year and a maximum of a two-year, staggered terms to ensure that there is both continuity and new perspectives as a part of the committee.
Interested students and trainees can submit an application here:
The application process will be open through January 9, 2025. The Title IX Advisory Committee will review the applications and invite a select group of students for interviews.
Please note: Any disclosure made in your application or during your interview will not be treated as a report to the university. If you are seeking support and resources related to sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence or stalking, please go to
If you have any questions about the Title IX Advisory Committee, the role of members, or the process, please let me know. I would be happy to answer questions by email, in person, or virtually.