Sergiu Celebidachi

Hi, my name is Sergiu Celebidachi, and I am pursuing an MBA at the Olin School of Business. I am 23 years old, and my background is in tapestry woven from the threads of a diverse cultural heritage. My father, hailing from French-Romanian origins, and my mother, of German descent, bestowed upon me a rich tapestry of art, language, customs, and traditions that intricately fabricated my being. However, I grew up in London, where much of my cultural references reign. After falling in love with tennis, I was fortunate enough to move to Spain alone at 14 years old in pursuit of my dream. I then attended Skidmore College for my Business Management and Psychology undergraduate degree, where I captained the men’s tennis varsity team. I am privileged to continue my passion for tennis at Washington University in St Louis by competing on the men’s varsity tennis team.
I have always been curious, trying my hand at everything that interested me, which has been evident in my professional business career. I was lucky to have held several internships as an undergrad, including a business analyst intern at KPMG, to see if I enjoyed consulting within tax and audit. Additionally, I worked as an investment analyst in private equity for the teacher retirement system of the Texas pension fund, where I got to wet my feet in finance. My interest in entrepreneurship arose while working for a startup called DATAEARN. The company focused on analyzing large corporations’ monetization of BIG DATA. I worked as a data analyst; however, I saw how the company’s roots began and the strategic ways they targeted investors. I knew then that I had a keen interest in entrepreneurship. Throughout each internship and work experience, I have learned how these businesses functioned, differentiated themselves, and what made them successful. These experiences led me to pursue an MBA at Olin, with a concentration on entrepreneurship and finance, hoping to start my venture or join a venture that pushes innovation forward.
Outside of school and tennis, my father’s role as a film director has inspired my admiration for film and TV. I enjoy sports, and I am an avid Celtics fan. I love traveling and going on adventures. I am driven towards my goals and love the pursuit of going after what I set out in front of me; however, what I love most isn’t the destinations; it’s the journey and who I meet along the way. The side quests that enrich your life as you continue towards your goals have given my life meaning. The people I’ve encountered, including family, friends, and strangers, have all elevated my life. We are all deeply interconnected; time again, we rely upon one another for acceptance, love, and validation. Understanding how we treat people has a ripple effect on those around us, which is the first step in gazing inward and creating the change we want to see in the world around us.

I am thankful to Olin for connecting me with like-minded individuals and creating an enriched ecosystem to foster growth. Olin has helped me with networking, time management, and developing the skills I need to pursue the career of my choice.