The Michael D. Nelson Society Board is delighted to announce Dr. Shannon Beermann and Dr. James Doss, as awardees of the David G. Mutch Residency Research Scholarship Award. This honor is given to support and enhance the scholarly research activity of residents while at this level of their professional journey.

Poster presentation: “Risk factors associated with surgical morbidity in cesarean delivery”
Conference: SMFM
PIs: Raghuraman & Goodman

Poster presentation: “Ultrasound and Clinical Characteristics of CPAM and Neonatal Care Needs”
Conference: SMFM
PI: Bligard
This scholarship was generously started by David G. Mutch, MD, the Ira C. and Judith Gall Professor, to support and enhance the scholarly research activity of residents. The scholarship will give two awards up to $1,000, twice per academic year, resulting in a total of 4 awards.
The Nelson Society Board is proud to support these recipients and recognizes their hard work in advancing medical knowledge in the field of OBGYN.
Congratulations! We continue to wish you all the best in your endeavors.
Nelson Society Board Members:
Tammy Sonn, MD – President
Shelby Dickison, MD- Treasurer
Elizabeth Ticehurst- Secretary
Marcy Livingston- Alumni Engagement Director
Michelle de Vera, MD- Alumni Recruitment
Ashley Veade, MD- Expert Consultant