Najjuwah is a third-year doctoral student with seven years of experience in women’s health education. She is currently researching the cost-effectiveness of gendered health education provided to girls.

In 2015, she began working at a health clinic, where she performed health fairs and health education for girls in high schools in North Carolina. In 2016, she developed the first sex education curriculum focusing on sexual and reproductive decision-making in high school in Illinois. Since 2017, she has taught many topics, including reproductive tract infections, anovulation, dysmenorrhea, and feminine hygiene.

To design and scale health education programs, she has partnered with The SPOT Youth Center, Something Positive for Positive People, St. Louis City Department of Health, and St. Louis County Department of Health. Her dissertation research combines biology, psychology, and sociology to explain the cost-effectiveness of gendered health education during high school.

Contact Najjuwah at