The following strain initial tester strains are unpublished, but available on request.

driver strains

  • NM5475 jsSi1579 jsSi1670 [loxP rps-17 3′ mec-4synp tetR-L-QF act-4 3′ attB FRT3] II; him-8(e1489) IV

reporter strains

  • NM5476 jsSi1579 jsSi1671 [loxP attP rps-7 3′ tetO 7X nlsGFP tbb-2 3′ FRT3] II; him-8(e1489) IV

upcoming strains

We are currently in the testing phase of the development of a set of approximately 15 driver lines and 15 reporter lines. These should be available to request by ~ 15th of October, 2021. Below are links to pages that describes the lines we have created and are testing.