SVN Repositories

Your repository can be checked out from the following URL:

You need to substitute your own wustlkey in place of <wustlkey>, your course number in place of XXXx (e.g. 427s) and the respective abbreviation for the semester and year (e.g. sp16 for spring 2016).

SVN via terminal (Mac, Linux)

If you want to use SVN via your terminal you should checkout this tutorial. Here is a neat summary of SVN  commands: SVN cheat-sheet.

SVN Setup in the CEC labs using TortoiseSVN

The following instructions are for setting up your repository in the CEC labs using TortoiseSVN. If you wish to access your repository on your personal machine you may, but be aware that the instructions may differ depending on what SVN program you are using.

Checking Out
Open Windows explorer and create a new folder on your warehouse drive (should be H:). Right-click within the empty folder to bring up a “context menu”, which should include an SVN checkout menu item. Selecting this will bring up a dialog box in which you can enter the URL for your repository (see above).

You will be prompted for a login name and password. Use your WUSTL KEY and password for this. Once you have successfully checked out your repository, you should see folders for homework assignments and lectures. These folders are how material will be distributed and collected from you over the course of the semester. This step only needs to be done once for each computer that you wish to access your files from.

Committing your work
In order to submit your work you must commit it. To do so, use Windows Explorer to navigate to your repository. Right click on the top most folder of your repository (the one you created on your H: drive) and select SVN commit. Follow the instructions that appear. Once you have finished, any changes you made to your files will be stored on the server so that they can be graded. Be sure to commit early and often! There is no limit on how many times you can commit, or how many times you may submit an assignment. You should ALWAYS commit at least once before you log off of the machine you are working on.

Updating your repository
I will distribute new assignments and files over the course of the semester. In order to access these files you will need to update your repository. Right click on the top most folder of your repository (the one you created on your H: drive) and select SVN Update. The computer will pull any new files from the server so that you may use them. Make any changes that you might want and then commit them back to your repository. If you have any files that you have changed in your repository you should commit FIRST before trying to make an update!

Verifying your repository commits

You can enter the URL (<wustlkey>/cseXXX_sp16) of your repository in any web browser to verify if your work was committed successfully (mind browser caching).