1. Fan, Y. and Lin, N. (2024+) Sequential quantile regression for stream data by least squares, Journal of Econometrics, accepted.
  2. Rios RL, Green M, Smith SK, Kafashan M, Ching S, Farber NB, Lin N, Lucey BP, Reynolds CF, Lenze EJ, Palanca BJA; SWIPED Study Team. (2024) Propofol enhancement of slow wave sleep to target the nexus of geriatric depression and cognitive dysfunction: protocol for a phase I open label trial. BMJ Open. 14(5):e087516.
  3. Fan, Y., Lin, N. and Yu, L. (2024) Distributed Quantile Regression for Longitudinal Big Data, Computational Statistics, 39, 751–779.
  4. Fan, Y., Li, J-S and Lin, N. (2023) Residual Projection for Quantile Regression in Vertically Partitioned Big Data, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 37, 710-735.
  5. Zhao, F., Lin, N. and Zhang, B. (2023), A new test for high‐dimensional regression coefficients in partially linear models, Canadian Journal of Statistics, 51, 5-18.
  6. Huels, E. R., Kafashan, M., Hickman, L. B., Ching, S., Lin, N., Lenze, E. J., Farber, N., Avidan, M. S., Hogan, R. E., Palanca, J. A. (2023) Central-positive complxes in ECT-induced seizures: Possible evidence for Thalamocortical mechnisms, Clinical Neurophysiology, 146, 77-86.
  7. Yang, Y., Lin, N., Batcheller, Q., Zhou, Q., Anderson, J. and An R. (2023), Sentiment analysis of tweets on menu labeling regulations in the US, Nutrients, 15(19): 4269.
  8. Zhao, F., Lin, N., Hu, W. and Zhang, B. (2022), A faster U-statistic for testing independence in the functional linear models, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 217, 188-203.
  9. Fan, Y., Lin, N. and Yin, X. (2021), Penalized quantile regression for distributed big data using the slack variable representation, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 30, 557-565.
  10. George A Mashour, Ben JA Palanca, Mathias Basner, Duan Li, Wei Wang, Stefanie Blain-Moraes, Nan Lin, Kaitlyn Maier, Maxwell Muench, Vijay Tarnal, Giancarlo Vanini, E Andrew Ochroch, Rosemary Hogg, Marlon Schwartz, Hannah Maybrier, Randall Hardie, Ellen Janke, Goodarz Golmirzaie, Paul Picton, Andrew R McKinstry-Wu, Michael S Avidan, Max B Kelz on behalf of the Recovery of Consciousness and Cognition Group (2021), Recovery of consciousness and cognition after general anesthesia in humans, eLife, 10:e59525.

  11. Hao, G. and Lin, N. (2020) Discrete multiple testing in detecting differential methylation using sequencing data, in Zhao, Y. and Chen, D.-G. (eds), Statistical Modeling in Biomedical Research, 65- 91, Springer.
  12. Christopher R King, Bradley A Fritz, Krisztina Escallier, Yo-El S Ju, Nan Lin, Sherry McKinnon, Michael S Avidan, Ben Julian Palanca (2020), Association Between Preoperative Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Preoperative Positive Airway Pressure With Postoperative Intensive Care Unit Delirium, JAMA Network Open, 3, e203125.

  13. Hu, W., Lin, N. and Zhang, B. (2020), Nonparametric testing of dependence in functional linear models, PLoS ONE, 15(6): e0234094.

  14. Wang, W., Lin, N., Oberhaus, J. and Avidan, M. S. (2020) Assessing method agreement for paired repeated binary measurements administered by multiple ratersStatistics in Medicine, 39, 279-293.
  15. Bradley A Fritz, Christopher R King, Arbi Ben Abdallah, Nan Lin, Angela M Mickle, Thaddeus P Budelier, Jordan Oberhaus, Daniel Park, Hannah R Maybrier, Troy S Wildes, Michael S Avidan (2020), Preoperative Cognitive Abnormality, Intraoperative Electroencephalogram Suppression, and Postoperative Delirium: A Mediation Analysis, Anesthesiology, 132, 1458-1468.

  16. Shortal BP, Hickman LB, Mak-McCully RA, Wang W, Brennan C, Ung H, Litt B, Tarnal V, Janke E, Picton P, Blain-Moraes S, Maybrier HR, Muench MR, Lin N, Avidan MS, Mashour GA, McKinstry-Wu AR, Kelz MB, Palanca BJ, Proekt A. (2019) Duration of EEG suppression does not predict recovery time or degree of cognitive impairment after general anaesthesia in human volunteersBritish Journal of Anesthesiology123(2):206-218.
  17. King CR, Escallier KE, Ju YS, Lin N, Palanca BJ, McKinnon SL, Avidan MS (2019), Obstructive sleep apnoea, positive airway pressure treatment and postoperative delirium: protocol for a retrospective observational studyBMJ Open, 9(8):e026649.
  18. Dai, X., Lin, N., Li, D. and Wang, T. (2019), A non-randomized procedure for large-scale heterogeneous multiple discrete testing based on randomized testsBiometrics, 75, 638-649. computer codes
  19. Troy S Wildes, Angela M Mickle, Arbi Ben Abdallah, Hannah R Maybrier, Jordan Oberhaus, Thaddeus P Budelier, Alex Kronzer, Sherry L McKinnon, Daniel Park, Brian A Torres, Thomas J Graetz, Daniel A Emmert, Ben J Palanca, Shreya Goswami, Katherine Jordan, Nan Lin, Bradley A Fritz, Tracey W Stevens, Eric Jacobsohn, Eva M Schmitt, Sharon K Inouye, Susan Stark, Eric J Lenze, Michael S Avidan (2019), Effect of electroencephalography-guided anesthetic administration on postoperative delirium among older adults undergoing major surgery: the ENGAGES randomized clinical trialJournal of the American Medical Association321, 473-483.
  20. Wang, W., Lin, N. and Tang, X. (2019), Robust two-sample test of high dimensional mean vectors under dependence, Journal of Multivariate Analysis,169, 312-329.
  21. Sargent, J. Q., Zacks, J. M., Hambrick, D. Z. and Lin, N. (2019), Event memory uniquely predicts memory for large-scale spaceMemory & Cognition, 47, 212-228.
  22. Maybrier HR, Mickle AM, Escallier KE, Lin N, Schmitt EM, Upadhyayula RT, Wildes TS, Mashour GA, Palihnich K, Inouye SK, Avidan MS. (2018), Reliability and accuracy of delirium assessments among investigators at multiple international centresBMJ Open, 8(11):e023137.
  23. Chen, C., Xi, R. and Lin, N. (2018), Community detection by L0-penalized graph LaplacianElectronic Journal of Statistics, 12, 1842-1866.
  24. Liu, J., Zheng, W., Zheng, L. and Lin, N. (2018), Accurate quantile estimation for skewed data streams using nonlinear interpolationIEEE Access6, 28438-28446.
  25. Aranake-Chrisinger, A., Cheng, J. Z., Muench, M. R., Tang, R., Mickle, A., Maybrier, H., Lin, N., Wildes, T., Lenze, E., Avidan, M. S. (2018), Ability of postoperative delirium to predict intermediate-term postoperative cognitive function in patients undergoing electives surgery at an academic medical centre: Protocol for a postoperative cohort studyBMJ Open, 8: e017079.
  26. Lin, N. and Yu, L. (2018). The ADMM and its application to network big data, in Wu, Y., Hu, F., Min, G. and Zomaya, A. Y. (eds), Big Data and Computational Intelligence in Networking, 151-176, Taylor & Francis LLC, CRC Press.
  27. Lin, Z., Liu, J. and Lin, N. (2017), Accurate quantile estimation for skewed data streamsProceedings of the 28th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication (PIMRC), Montreal, Canada.
  28. Yu, L., Lin, N. and Wang, L. (2017). A parallel algorithm for large-scale nonconvex penalized quantile regressionJournal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26(4), 935-939.
  29. Yu, L. and Lin, N. (2017). ADMM for quantile regression in big dataInternational Statistical Review, 85(3):494-518.
  30. Yuan, X., Lin, N., Dong, X. and Liu, T. (2017), Weighted quantile regression for longitudinal data using empirical likelihoodScience China Mathematics, 60, 147-164.
  31. Wildes, T S, Winter, A C, Maybrier, H R, Mickle, A M, Lenze, E J, Stark, S, Lin, N, Inouye, S K, Schmitt, E M, McKinnon, S L, Muench, M R, Murphy, M R, Upadhyayula, R T, Fritz, B A, Escallier, K E, Apakama, G P, Emmert, D A, Graetz, T J, Stevens, T W, Palanca, B J, Hueneke, R L, Melby, S, Torres, B, Leung, J, Jacobsohn, E and Avidan, M S (2016). Protocol for the Electroencephalography Guidance of Anesthesia to Alleviate Geriatric Syndromes (ENGAGES) study: a pragmatic, randomised clinical trialBMJ Open, 6(6)
  32. Vanessa L. Kronzer, Rose D. Tang, Allison P. Schelble, Arbi Ben Abdallah, Troy S. Wildes, Sherry L. McKinnon, Furqaan Sadiq, Nan Lin, Daniel L. Helsten, Anshuman Sharma, Susan L. Stark, Michael S. Avidan (2016). Preoperative Falls and Their Association with Functional Dependence and Quality of Life. Anesthesiology, 125(2), 322-332.
  33. Fritz, B. A., Kalarickal, P. L., Maybrier, H. R., Muench, M. R., Dearth, D., Chen, Y., Escallier, K. E., Abdallah, A. B., Lin, N. and Avidan, M. S. (2016). Intraoperative Electroencephalogram Suppression Predicts Postoperative DeliriumAnesthesia and Analgesia122(1), 234–242.
  34. Xi, R. and Lin, N. (2016), Direct regression modelling of high-order moments in big dataStatistics and Its Interface, 9, 445–452.
  35. Zhao, S., Tao, J., Shi, N. and Lin, N. (2015), A note on the comparison of the Stein estimator and James-Stein estimatorCommunications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 44, 3363-3374.
  36. Gradwohl SC, Aranake A, Abdallah AB, McNair P, Lin N, Fritz BA, Villafranca A, Glick D, Jacobsohn E, Mashour GA, Avidan MS. (2015). Intraoperative awareness risk, anesthetic sensitivity, and anesthetic management for patients with natural red hair: a matched cohort study. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 62(4):345-355.
  37. Zhang B, Xing X, Li J, Lowdon RF, Zhou Y, Lin N, Zhang B, Sundaram V, Chiappinelli KB, Hagemann IS, Mutch DG, Goodfellow PJ, Wang T. (2014), Comparative DNA methylome analysis of endometrial carcinoma reveals complex and distinct deregulation of cancer promoters and enhancersBMC Genomics 15(1):868.
  38. Kaiser, H. A., Ben Abdallah, A., Lin, N., Tellor, B. R., Helwani, M., Smith, J. R., Moon, M. R., Avidan, M. S. (2014), Contaminated heparin and outcomes after cardiac surgery: a retrospective propensity-matched cohort study, PLoS One, 9(8):e106096.
  39. McCloskey C, Rada C, Bailey E, McCavera S, van den Berg HA, Atia J, Rand DA, Shmygol A, Chan YW, Quenby S, Brosens JJ, Vatish M, Zhang J, Denton JS, Taggart MJ, Kettleborough C, Tickle D, Jerman J, Wright P, Dale T, Kanumilli S, Trezise DJ, Thornton S, Brown P, Catalano R, Lin N, England SK, Blanks AM. (2014). The inwardly rectifying K+ channel KIR7.1 controls uterine excitability throughout pregnancyEMBO Molecular Medicine, 6(9):1161-74.
  40. Willingham, M., Abdallah, A. B., Gradwohl, S., Helsten, D., Lin, N., Villafranca, A., Jacobson, E., Avidan, M. S. and Kaiser, H. (2014), The association between intraoperative electroencephalographic suppression and postoperative mortalityBritish Journal of Anaesthesia, accepted.
  41. Whitlock, E. L., Torres, B. A., Lin, N., Helsten, D. L., Nadelson, M. R., Mashour, G. A. and Avidan, M. S. (2014), Postoperative Delirium in a Substudy of Cardiothoracic Surgical Patients in the BAG-RECALL Clinical TrialAnesthesia & Analgesia118, 809-17.
  42. Wang, G., Lin, N. and Zhang, B. (2014), Functional k-means inverse regressionComputational Statistics and Data Analysis70, 172-182.
  43. Aranake, A., Gradwohl, S., Ben-Abdallah, A., Lin, N., Shanks, A., Helsten, D., Glick, D., Jacobson, E., Evers, A. S., Avidan, M. S., Mashour, G. A. (2013), Increased risk for intraoperative awareness in patients with a history of awarenessAnesthesiology, 119(6):1275-83.
  44. Zhang, B.*, Zhou, Y.*, Lin, N.*, Lowdon, R. F.*, Hong, C., Nagarajan, R. P., Cheng, J. B., Li, D., Stevens, M., Lee, H. J., Xing, X., Zhou, J., Sundaram, V., Gu, J., Gascard, P., Sigaroundinia, M., Tisty, T. D., Kadlecek, T., Weiss, A., O’Green, H., Farnham, P. J., Marie, C. L., Ligon, K. L., Madden, P. A. F., Tam, A., Moore, R., Hirst, M., Marra, M. A., Zhang, B., Castello, J. and Wang, T. (2013), Functional DNA methylation differences between tissues, cell types, and across individuals  discovered using the M&M algorithmGenome Research23, 1522-1540. (*: co-first author)
  45. Wang, G., Lin, N. and Zhang, B. (2013), Functional contour regressionJournal of Multivariate Analysis116, 1-13.
  46. Wang, G., Lin, N. and Zhang, B. (2013), Dimension reduction in functional regression using mixed data canonical correlation analysisStatistics and Its Interface6, 187-196.
  47. Mashour, G. A., Shanks, A.,  Tremper, K., Kheterpal, S., Turner, C., Ramachandran, S., Picton, P., Schueller, C., Morris, M., Vandervest, J., Lin, N. and Avidan, M. S. (2012), Prevention of Intraoperative Awareness with Explicit Recall in an Unselected Surgical Population: A Randomized Comparative Effectiveness TrialAnesthesiology117(4), 693-695.
  48. Lin, N. and Chang, C. (2012) Comment on Article by Lum and GelfandBayesian Analysis7(2), 263-270.
  49. Ji, Y., Lin, N. and Zhang, B. (2012), Model selection in binary and tobit quantile regression using the Gibbs sampler, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis56, 827-839. (special issue on quantile regression and semiparametric methods)
  50. Xi, R., Lin, N., Chen, Y. and Kim, Y. (2012), Compression and aggregation of Bayesian estimates for data intensive computingKnowledge and Information Systems, 33(1), 191-212.
  51. Xu, L., Lin, N., Zhang, B. and Shi, N. (2012), A finite mixture model for working correlation matrices in generalized estimating equationsStatistica Sinica22(2), 755-776. Supplementary file
  52. Liu, T., Yuan, X., Lin, N. and Zhang, B. (2012), Rank-based empirical likelihood inference on medians of k populationsJournal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142(4), 1009-1026.
  53. Wang, G., Lin, N. and Zhang, B. (2012), Functional linear regression after spline transformationComputational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 587-601.
  54. Whitlock, E., Villafranca, A., Lin, N., Palanca, B. J., Searleman, A. C., Jacobsohn, E., Finkel, K. J., Zhang, L., Burnside, B. A., Evers, A. S. and Avidan, M. S. (2011), The relationship between bispectral index values and volatile anesthetic concentrations during the maintenance phase of anesthesia in the B-Unaware trialAnesthesiology,  115(6):1209-18. Editorial
  55. Fu, Z., Tao, J., Shi, N., Zhang, M. and Lin, N. (2011), Analyzing longitudinal item response data via the pairwise fitting methodMultivariate Behavioral Research, 46(4), 669-690.
  56. Avidan, M.S., Jacobsohn, E., Glick, D., Burnside, B., Zhang, L., Villafranca, A., Karl, L., Kamal, S., Torres, B., O’Conner, M., Evers, A. S., Gradwohl, S., Lin, N., Palanca, B. J. and Mashour, G. A. (2011), Prevention of intraoperative awareness in a high-risk surgical populationThe New England Journal of Medicine, 365, 591-600. media report 1 | 2
  57. Bottros,M. M., Palanca, B. J. A., Mashour, G. A., Patel, A., Butler,C., Taylor, A., Lin, N. and Avidan, M. S. (2011), Estimation of the bispectral index by anesthesiologists: An inverse Turing testAnesthesiology, 114(5), 1093-1101.
  58. Lin, N. and Xi, R. (2011), Aggregated estimating equation estimationStatistics and Its Interface, 4, 73-84.
  59. Li, Q., Xi, R. and Lin, N. (2010), Bayesian regularized quantile regressionBayesian Analysis, 5,533-556. computer codes
  60. Yan, X., Liu, T., Lin, N. and Zhang, B. (2010), Combining conditional and unconditional moment restrictions with missing responses using empirical likelihoodJournal of Multivariate Analysis, 101, 2420-2433.
  61. Muenzer, J. T., Jaffe, D.M., Schwulst, S.J., Dixon, D. J., Schierding, W. S., Li, Q., Macmillan, S. K., Oppedal, D., Warner, B.W., Dillon, P. A., Lin, N., Checchia, P. A., Cobb, J. P. (2010), Evidence for a novel blood RNA diagnostic for pediatric appendicitis: the RiboleukogramPediatric Emergency Care, 26(5): 333-338.
  62. Shen, H., Buchowski, J. M., Yeom, J. S., Liu, G., Lin, N. and Riew, K. D. (2010), Pseudarthrosis in multilevel anterior cervical fusion with rhBMP-2 and allograft: Analysis of one hundred twenty-seven cases with minimum two-year follow-upSpine, 35(7):747-753.
  63. Kertai, M. D., Pal, N., Palanca, B. J. A., Lin, N.,  Searleman, S. A., Zhang, L., Burnside, B.A., Finkel, K. J., Avidan, M. S. (2010), Association of perioperative risk factors and cumulative duration of low bispectral index with intermediate-term mortality following cardiac surgeryAnesthesiology, 112,1116-1127.
  64. Li, Q. and Lin, N. (2010), The Bayesian elastic netBayesian Analysis, 5,151-170. computer codes
  65. Lin, N. and Xi, R. (2010), Fast surrogates of U-statisticsComputational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54, 16-24.
  66. Cobb,J. P., Moore, E. E., Hayden, D. L., Minei, J. P., Cuschieri, J., Yang, J., Li, Q., Lin, N., Brownstein, B. L., Hennessy, L., Mason, P. H., Schierding,W. S., Dixon, D. J., Tompkins, R. G., Warren, H.S., Schoenfeld, A. D. and Maier, R. V. (2009), Validation of the Riboleukogram to detect ventilator-associated Pneumonia after severe injuryAnnals of Surgery, 250,531-539.
  67. Liu, T., Lin, N., Shi, N. and Zhang, B. (2009), Information criterion-based clustering with order-restricted candidate profiles in short time-course microarray experimentsBMC Bioinformatics, 10: 146. Supplementary file | Correspondence
  68. Liu, T., Lin, N. and Zhang, B. (2009), Empirical likelihood for balanced ranked-set sampled dataScience in China Series A: Mathematics, 52(6), 1351-1365. (special issue in honor of Prof. Zhidong Bai of his 65th birthday)
  69. Xi, R., Lin, N. and Chen, Y. (2009), Compression and aggregation for logistic regression analysis in data cubesIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 21(4), 479-492.
  70. Woods, C. and Lin, N. (2009), Item response theory with estimation of the latent density using Davidian curvesApplied Psychological Measurement, 33,102-117.
  71. McDunn, J. E., Husain, K. D., Polpitiya, A. D., Burykin, A., Ruan, J., Li, Q., Schierding, W., Lin, N., Dixon, D., Zhang W., Coopersmith, C. M., Dunne, M. W., Colonna, M., Ghosh, B., Cobb, J. P. (2008), Plasticity of the systemic inflammatory response to acute infection during critical illness: Development of the RiboleukogramPLoS ONE, 3, e1564. Media report 1 | 2
  72. Lin, N. and He, X. (2006), Robust and efficient estimation under data groupingBiometrika, 93 (1), 99-112.
  73. Lin, N., Noe, D. and He, X.(2006), Tree-based methods and their applications, in H. Pham (eds), Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics, 551-569, Springer.
  74. Lin, N. and Zhao, H. (2005), Are scale-free networks robust to measurement errors?BMC Bioinformatics, 6: 119.
  75. Lin, N., Wu, B., Jansen, R., Gerstein, M. and Zhao, H. (2004), Information assessment on predicting protein-protein interactionsBMC Bioinformatics, 5: 154.
  76. Lin, N., Bailey, B. A., He, X. and Buttlar, W. G. (2004), Adjustment of measuring devices with linear modelsTechnometrics, 46(2), 127-134.