Nicole Rankin, PhD
Nicole is the translational research fellow for the T3 ‘evidence into practice’ research program at Sydney Catalyst Translational Cancer Research Centre, based at University of Sydney, Australia. She completed her Doctor of Philosophy in the discipline of Behavioral Science in Relation to Medicine at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Her background has included working in cancer control government agencies (National Breast Cancer Centre and Cancer Institute NSW) in program and policy development and in research management in psycho-oncology (University of Sydney). Nicole’s research interests are in the implementation of evidence in cancer practice and policy, lung cancer, head and neck cancer and clinical pathways for anxiety and depression for adult cancer patients. She is currently lead investigator on a Phase I pilot project to implement a primary care intervention to support general practitioners (family physicians) to refer people with a suspicious lung lesion to a lung cancer specialist. She co-supervises two PhD students working on cancer dissemination and implementation projects and is mentor for a TRIP (Translating Research Into Practice) fellow in head and neck cancer.