Upcoming Events & Announcements

Iftar Dinner

This Friday, Apr. 7, MLSA and SALSA are hosting an iftar dinner for students to come together and break their fasts. We will have delicious Indian food in Room 305, starting at 7:30pm.

2023-2024 Board Applications Open!

For those interested in one of the seven board positions for MLSA next year, our board application is now open! Apply here: https://forms.office.com/r/Zchv8a31vn.

MSA’s Interfaith Iftar

WashU MSA and the Interfaith Alliance are hosting an iftar dinner on Monday, Apr. 17 at 7pm in Tisch Commons, DUC.

General Information

Campus Jummah – Held by WashU MSA

Law School prayer room – Located inside the Office of Student Life on the 2nd floor

Club e-mail address: mlsa@wustl.edu

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