About Me

I am an Enterprise IT Architect with WashU IT under the Office of the CIO.  My interests include everything IT, Higher Education, Enterprise Architecture, Leadership, Travel, Volunteering, Family and BBQ.


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Recent Presentations and Papers

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A Career in Organized Anarchy (SIGUCCS Presentation)

“A Career in Organized Anarchy: Building Interpersonal Relationships in Higher Education.” ACM SIGUCCS 2018 Annual Conference, October 7-10, 2018, Orlando, Florida.

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A Career in Organized Anarchy (ITANA Presentation)

“A Career in Organized Anarchy: Building Interpersonal Relationships in Higher Education.” EDUCAUSE ITANA Constituent Group, March 8, 2019.

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A Career in Organized Anarchy (Paper)

Matthew House. 2018. A Career in Organized Anarchy: Building Interpersonal Relationships in Higher Education. In 2018 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference (SIGUCCS ’18), October 7–10, 2018, Orlando, FL, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3235715.3235733