Edited Journals

Special Issue on “Prose Poetry/Le poème en prose,” L’Esprit CréateurXXXIX, 1 (Spring 1999).96 pp..Original contributions on the structure, history and interactions of French prose poems with other art forms, including my own introduction and essay.

Special commemorative issue on “André Breton,” with Anna Balakian, L’Esprit CréateurXXXVI, 4 (Winter 1996).109pp.. Originalessays in honor of centennial of Breton’s birthday including a personal essay and translation of mine.


“On Rimbaud’s Vowels, Again: Vowels or Colors” Athens Journal ofPhilology, Vol. 6, no. 4 (December 2019),225-234. https://www.athensjournals.gr/philology/2019-6-4-1-Ginsburgh.pdfReprinted and revised translation With VictorGinsburgh.

“In Memoriam Ross Chambers” Romanic Review, Vol. 108, nos. 1-4 (Jan.-Nov. 2017). 27-30.«

“Coup de grâce surréaliste à la collaboration littéraire?” Mélusine XXXVII: L’Or du temps –André Breton 50 ans après(Lausanne: Editions de l’ Age d’ Homme, 2017), 67-81. With Violaine White.

“Sur la route ‘hippie’ avec Breton” La Nouvelle Quinzaine littéraire, no. 1157 (Du 16 au 30 septembre 2016): 8-9.

“La quête éthnographique: Des hommes aux animaux” Mélusine XXXV: Cahiers de l’ Association pour l’étude du surréalisme (Lausanne : Editions de l’ Age d’ Homme, 2015), 297-309.

“Sur Quelque chose noir de Jacques Roubaud ” Littéralité on-line journal : www.littéralité.com from 2015, n.p.

“Ce que dit la bouche d’ombre or The Master’s Voice from Beyond the Grave” Romanic Review, Vol. 101, nos. 1 & 2 (January-March 2010), 293-5. Reprinted in the chapter “Michael Riffaterre” (pp. 53-166) in Contemporary Literary Criticism, ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau, Vol. 374 (Detroit: Gale Cengage, 2015): 164-5.

“No Bones to Pick with Lanthimos’s film ‘Dogtooth’,” Journal of Modern Greek Studies Vol. 32, no. 2 (October 2014), 367-392.

“Au coeur de l’esthétique baudelairienne : thyrse et caducée,” Romanic Review Vol. 101, no. 4 (November 2010), 741-760. With Marie-Christine Clemente.

“Replacing Literary History: With Hypograms or Paragrams?” L’Esprit créateur Vol. 49, no.4 (Winter 2009), 16-30. Reprinted in the chapter “Michael Riffaterre” (pp. 53-166) in Contemporary Literary Criticism, ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau, Vol. 374 (Detroit: Gale Cengage, 2015): 145-152.

“Engendering Poetic Vision,” Rivista di Letteratura moderne e comparate, LXI, no. 3 (2008), 335-347.

“A Neoformalist Approach to 19th-century French poetry,” Romance Studies, 26: 4 (November 2008), 273-285. Special double issue on “Cultural Currency of 19th-century French Poetry.”

“Isidore Ducasse, précurseur d’Odilon Redon : L’hypotypose en noir et blanc,” Orbis Litterarum, 63:2 (April 2008), 133-151.With Eloise Sureau.

“Des Lyres au délire : Rimbaud dépassant Verlaine,” Rimbaud vivant, 47 (juin 2008): 65-75. Reprinted & corrected version of article published earlier in Rimbaud vivant, 46 (juin 2007): 69-79.

“Poétique de la ligne : Autour des colonnes sculptées,” Sculpture et Poésie :1789-1848, eds. Suzanne Nash and Cassandra Hamrick, special issue of Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 35:1 (Fall 2006), 206-225.

“Capital Punishment and Sexual Politics in Lecomte’s ‘La Veuve de Saint Pierre,’” Contemporary French and Francophone Studies (formerly Sites), 9:4 (December 2005), 351-366.

“Postmodern Neutralizing of 19th-Century Imagery,” Nottingham French Studies 42:2 (Autumn 2003), 128-41.

“On Poeticized Language,” J-J. Thomas & Steven Winspur (U. Park: Penn State Press, 1999), Substance 32:2 (2003), 133-8. Review article.

“Hugo, Shakespeare et 1’enseignement des langues vivantes,” Nineteenth- Century French Studies 31: 1 & 2 (Fall-Winter 2003-4), 9-26.

“On Artaud and the Agnostic Drama.” Review article of J. Goodall’s book (Oxford, 1994). Bulletin International d’Antonin Artaud 3 (2001), 1-5.

“Barthesian Discourse: Having your cake and eating it, too,” Romanic Review 91:3 (May 2000), 335-47.

“Surrealist Affinities in Modem Greek Literature: Kazantzakis and Breton,” Rivista di Letteratura moderne e comparate 4 (2000), 429-442.

“New Anglo-American Approaches to the Prose Poem,” L’Esprit Créateur XXXIX, 1 (Spring 1999), 3-4.

“Semiotic Intersections in Baudelaire and Magritte,” L’Esprit Créateur XXXIX, 1 (Spring 1999), 71-83.

“Baudelaire: Sculptor of Words,” Romanic Review 89:2 (March 1998), 207-219.

“Pour une approche contemporaine d’une France perdue : Des Grands Lacs au Golfe du Méxique,” Contemporary French Civilization XXII, 1 (Winter/Spring 1998), 32-50.

“Why the Study of Pluralism Demands Pluralistic Approaches,” Nineteenth-Century French Studies 27 (Fall 1997), 324-26. Essay in form of a “Letter to the Editor” about a review of my Difference Unbound.

“Breton’s Structuralism,” L’Esprit Créateur XXXVI, 4 (Winter 1996), 32-42.

“The ‘Originality Paradox’ and the European Avant-Garde,” Rivista di letterature moderne e comparate XLVII, 3 (1994), 259-272.

“From Poetic to Prosaic Animal Portraits: Arreola’s ‘El Elefante,’” Romanic Review 85, 3 (May 1994), 473-482.

“Banville : Père Pictural de Rimbaud,” Bulletin d’études parnassiennes et symbolistes : Théodore de Banville en son temps 9-10 (printemps et automne 1992), 321-340.

“La Hantise Langagière du Texte Rimbaldien,” Sud, « Bruits neufs » hors-série (1991), 121-139.

“The Utopian Vision of French Criticism,” Symposium XLIV, 3 (Fall 1990), 191-205.

“Modem Poets in Motion: Two Exemplary Itineraries,” Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate XLIII, 1 (1990), 43-54.

“Graphemic Gymnastics in Surrealist Literature,” Romanic Review 81,2 (March 1990), 211-224; and reprinted in Verbal/Visual Crossings 1880-198, ed. Theo D’haen (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 1990), 199-220.

“Baudelaire et Ses Hypocrites Lecteurs,” Orbis Litterarum 44 (1989), 222-233.

“André Breton and Poetic Originality,” Dada/Surrealism 17 (1988), 28-35.

“Rimbaud ignorait-il son alphabet ? ” Parade Sauvage Bulletin, revue d’études rimbaldiennes 4 (mars 1988), 56-64. Expanded translation of “Did Rimbaud really know his alphabet?” Nineteenth-Century French Studies 14, 2/3 (1986), 278-283.

“Un Défi pédagogique à l’américaine,” Le Français dans le monde 210 (1987), 26-30.

“Barthes’ Image,” Neophilologus 71 (1987), 489-495. Reprinted in Modern Literary Criticism (Detroit: Gale, 2005) and on-line.

“Contra Deleuze: Towards a Singular Theory of Reading,” Romanic Review 76, 3 (1985), 316-322.

“Picking Up Narrative Pieces in a Surrealist Prose Poem,” Orbis Litterarum 40, 4 (1985), 317-326.

“Formal Repetition and the Perception of Literature,” L’Esprit Créateur XXIV, 2 (1984), 49-61.

“Vers une lecture syntaxique d’‘Aube’ de Rimbaud : les verbes,” Revue du Pacifique IV, 2 (1979), 96-104.

“Du commencement de Comment c’est : 1’écriture du moulin de discipline,” Chimères, 12, 1(1979), 6-18.

“L’Apothéose de 1’erreur : étude du jeu dans Le Paysan de Paris,” Rackham Literary Studies 9 (1978), 7-13.

Book Chapters or Other Invited Contributions

(Post)Romantic Vision inLe Spleen de Paris” ined. CherylKrueger, Approaches to Baudelaire’sProse Poems,New York: MLA,2017, 6472.

On Michael Riffaterre” in Contemporary Literary Criticism, 374(Detroit: Gale Publishing, 2015), consultantonextensive dictionary entry, including two previously published articles of mine. 58166.

«Dyslexie rimbaldienne »in éd. Steve Murphy, Rimbaud: ‘Littéralement et dans tous les sens’Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2012, 219225.

“Du d’AA: Ceci n’est pas une pensée d’Antonin Artaud,” Antonin Artaud: «littéralement et dans tous les sens». Caen: Lettres Modernes, Minard, 2009, 15370.

“La voix française du Missouri: Vers une mythologie nouvelle” in «Ils l’appelaient NouvelleFrance …»: Introduction à la Nouvelle France et Actes des Journées d’étude, éd. Bernard Emont, Paris: Editions «Le Bretteur», 2009, 291-299.

“The Rise of Pluralism in European Literature and Criticism,” SelectedPapers from the International Conference onEuropean Literature andLiterary History(Beijing: Peking University Press, 2002), 7581 & 476484. In English & Mandarin.

“The Historiography of Anna Balakian’s ‘Andre Breton: Magus of Surrealism,’” forthcoming in festschrift for Anna Balakian.

“Visionner Rimbaud” in Lire Rimbaud: Approches critiques:Hommages à James R. Lawler. Ed. Paul Perron and Sergio Villani.(Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, Inc., 2000), 6982.

“Magritte au carrefour de la peinture et du poème en prose,” Magritte au risque de la sémiotique(Bruxelles: Presses des Facultés SaintLouis, 1999), 197212.

“Breton and Poetic Originality” in Andre Breton Today, eds. Anna Balakian and Rudolf Kuenzli (New York: Willis Locker & Owens, 1989), 2835. Reprinted from Dada/Surrealism17 (1988).

“Michael Riffaterre,” in ModernAmerican Critics since 1955. Vol. 63 of Dictionary of Literary Biography, ed. Gregory S. Jay (Detroit: Gale Research, 1988), 241248.

“Semiotic Analysis of Iconic Features in Literature,” in Semiotics 1985. ed. John Deely (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1986), 33645.


Rapti, Vassiliki, Transitorium. Boston: Somerset Hall Press, 2015, 9-10 

Regina Young, The Romantic and Transcendental Quests of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Victor-Marie Hugo. Lewiston, ME: Mellen Press, 2003, i-iii. 

Giorgio Mobili, Irritable Bodies and Postmodern Subjects in Pynchon, Puig, Valponi. New York: Peter Lang, 2008, n.p.  

Theatron (WU journal), 1:2 (Spring 2003), 3-5. 


Julien Gracq, “Back to Breton,” L’Esprit Créateur, XXXVI, 4 (Winter 1996), 59.

Serge Doubrovsky, “Statements on AmourPropre: From Lacan to La Rochefoucauld,” in New York Literary Forum. 89 (1981), 141161.

Felix Guattari, “BecomingWoman,” Semiotext(e), IV, 1 (1981), 8688.

Frederic Rossif, “The Wild Celebration,” Semiotext(e), IV, 1 (1981), 9092.

Other than Literary Criticism

“The Missouri Miner’s Daughter still speaks French,” Le JournalCenter for French Colonial Studies 22.3 (summer 2006), 17.

“On Edward Said and Princeton,” Princeton Alumni Weekly. January 25, 2006: 7.

“Differential Equation,” Riverfront Times (St. Louis), Nov. 1117 (1998), 6.

“Antithetical Opinion,” Saint Louis Magazine, (June 1993), 9.

“Teaching Undergraduates.” Princeton Alumni Weekly, 93: 10 (1993), 4.

“LeichtMinded,” Riverfront Times (St. Louis), July 15(1992), 4.

“Souvenir de lit gris,” Chimères, 12, 1 (1978), 48.


Posthumous America: Literary Reinventions of America at the End of the Eighteenth Century, Benjamin Hoffmann(University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 2018) in H-France, Vol. 19 (June 2019), No. 83.

Poets as Readers in Nineteenth-Century France: Critical Reflections, ed. Joseph Acquisto, Adrianna M. Paliyenko and Catherine Witt(London: IMLR books, 2015) H-France, Vol. 17 (2017): 1-6. Posted at: http://www.h-france.net/vol17reviews/vol17no17metzidakis.pdf

Du Nouveau chez Rimbaud, EddieBreuil (Paris: Henri Champion, 2014) in Nineteenth-Century French Studies, Vol. 44 no. 3 & 4 Spring-Summer(2016). On-line at http://www.ncfs-journal.org/?q=node/1358.

Thinking Poetry: Philosophical Approaches to 19th-century French poetry, ed. Joseph Acquisto (New York: Pelgrave/MacMillan, 2013) inNineteenth-Century French Studies, Vol. 43 no. 1/2 (2014). On-line at http://www.ncfs-journal.org/?q=node/648.

Valery’s Graveyard: «Le Cimetière marin», trans., described and peopled by Michael Comenetz and Hugh P. McGrath (New York:Peter Lang, 2011) inComparative LiteratureStudies, 50.4 (2013) On-line,e.27-e.31.

La Fabrique du vers, Guillaume Peureux (Paris: Seuil, 2009) inFrench Review, 85: 6 (May 2012), 1173-1174.

Nowhere isPerfect: French and Francophone Utopias/Dystopias, ed. John West-Sooby. Newark, DE: UP of Delaware, 2008.) in Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 39: 3 & 4 (Spring/Summer 2011): 348-50.

John Mack Faragher, A Great and Noble Scheme: The True Story of the Expulsion of the French Acadians. New York: Norton, 2007 in Journalof Center for French Colonial Studies(Winter 2006):7-8.

The Cambridge Introduction to French Poetry, Mary Lewis Shaw (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004)in Nineteenth-Century French Studies33: 3 & 4 (spring/summer 2005), 407-9.

Jacques Prévert, Michael Bishop (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002), French Studies, forthcoming.La littérature et sa rhétorique, Jean Bessière (Paris: PUF, 1999) inRivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate55:1 (2002): 90-92.

Poetry’s Appeal, E.S. Burt (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1999) inCanadian Review of Comparative Literature, 28:4 (2001): 519-524.

Voix et création au XXème siècle (Actes du Colloque de Montpellier, 26, 27, et 28 janvier 1995(Paris: HonoréChampion, 1997) inRevue canadienne de littérature comparée27:3 (2001), 278-281.

Victor Hugo, Laurence M. Porter (New York: Twayne, 1999) inNineteenth-Century French Studies, Vol. 29, nos. 3 & 4 (Spring-Summer 2001), 358-60.

Barthes and Utopia, Diana Knight (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997) inRomance Quarterly, 48.1 (Winter 2001), 67-69.

Silences de Sartre, Jean-François Louette (Toulouse: Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 1995) inRivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate, 50, 3 (1997), 329-331.

Profane Illumination: Walter Benjamin and the Surrealist Revolution, Margaret Cohen (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1993) inFrench Review, 69, 1 (October 1995), 172-174.

The Fiction of the Poet, Anna Balakian (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1992) inMLN, 109, 5 (December 1994), 1006-1008.

Paul Ricœur, S.H. Clark (Routledge: London, 1990) inRivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate, XLV, 3 (1992), 309-311.

Ecrire en France au XIXème siecle(Actes du Colloque de Rome), eds. Graziella Pagliano et Antonio Gomez-Moriana (Editions du Préambule, 1989) inNineteenth-Century French Studies, 19, 3 (1991), 478-481.

Hugo: De 1’Ecrit au Livre, eds. Beatrice Didier and Jacques Neefs (Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 1987) inNineteenth-Century French Studies, 18, 1 & 2 (1989-1990), 247-249.

René Char, The Myth and the Poem, by James R. Lawler (Princeton University Press, 1978) inRomanic Review, LXXIV, 4 (1983), 500-501.