Find Locations of Lunar Meteorites from Oman
as reported in The Meteoritical Bulletin

Map of Oman with All Meteorite Find Locations, from Al-Kathiri et al. (2005)

Al-Kathiri A., Hofmann B. A., Jull A. J. T., and Gnos E. (2005) Weathering of meteorites from Oman: Correlation of chemical and mineralogical weathering proxies with 14C terrestrial ages and the influence of soil chemistry. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 40, 1215–1239.
Google Earth, with Oman Lunar Meteorites

This map blatantly stolen from the Meteoritical Bulletin Database and its “Google Earth Map All” feature. Thanks to Jeff and Google Earth. (31 August 2021 with 73 lunar meteorite stones)