If you have a smoothly rounded, hand-size rock with no fusion crust, then it is not a meteorite. It is just a cobble. Terrestrial cobbles are common and do not have fusion crusts. Meteorites are rare. Many, in fact, are rounded cobbles but most do have fusion crusts.
Nearly all of the photos below were sent to me by persons asking whether the rock was a meteorite. Note that none of the rocks has a fusion crust. We would not expect them to have fusion crusts if they were rounded by abrasion against other rocks on earth. In the absence of a fusion crust there is no way of telling just “by looking” if a rounded cobble is a meteorite unless it contains metal or has rusty spots. Testing would be required.

In geology, cobble or cobblestone is the word for a rock in the size range of 64-256 mm (2.5-10 inches). (If it is smaller, then it is a pebble; if it is larger, it is a boulder.) The word is commonly applied to any type of rounded rock (basalt, granite, gneiss, sandstone, etc.) that has been shaped into a spheroid (oblate or prolate) by abrasion against other rocks in a glacier, ocean, or river bed. Cobbles are common in mountain steams and as glacial till. River and glacial cobbles tend to be prolate; beach cobles are often oblate.

I am unaware of any stony meteorite that was found as a cobble or pebble and that had been rounded by abrasion against other stones on earth and, consequently, lost its fusion crust. There may be some from Northwest Africa. If anyone knows of one, let me know. I do know this. I once put a half dozen centimeter-size ordinary chondrites in a rock tumbler along with some terrestrial pebbles the same size, most of which contained quartz (=hard). After a week of tumbling, I could not find the chondrites when I opened the tumbler. Chondrites (=most stony meteorites) are not hard rocks. My little chondrites had all been pulverized by the terrestrial rocks. I would expect the same thing happens to any chondrite that falls in the ocean, rolls into a river, or is deposited in a glacial moraine. If the fusion crust is abraded away from an achondrite (Mars, Moon, Vesta) by terrestrial process, then there is no way to recognize the rock as a meteorite just “by looking.” Put another way, none of the cobbles above has a fusion crust so it makes no sense to ask if a rock that looks like a cobble is a meteorite. Only expensive chemical or mineralogical tests could prove that it is a meteorite.