All of the photos in the first 3 mosaics below were sent to me by person inquiring if the rocks were meteorites. None of them are meteorites. Meteorites are not reddish like this. Also, none of the rocks has a fusion crust.
Metal-bearing meteorites that have been on Earth a long time may become rusty red, but never brightly red as in the photos above.
Here is the exterior (left) and interior (right, sawn face) of an unnamed ordinary chondrite from the Sahara Desert. It has probably been exposed on the surface for thousands of years. The metal grains have all rusted. This is as “reddish” as a meteorite becomes. If you find a rock this color on Earth, however, it is far more likely to be a hematite-rich earth rock than a meteorite.
On the left is a photo that a cotton farmer in west Texas sent me. The rock, which is a meteorite (Seminole (f), an H chondrite), has a fusion crust (smooth and shiny); the smiley-face thing is a magnet. The meteorite was found “among a group of rocks at the corner of a plowed field,” so we can assume that it was probably buried for a long time (but probably not as long as the Saharan meteorite above has been on Earth). The metal on the exterior of the rock has rusted, leading to the reddish exterior color. On the right is a sawn, polished slice of the same rock showing thousands of shiny metal grains, none of which look rusty.