Message from the Director:

Welcome to the Medicare Innovation Research Lab! We are a health services research laboratory within the John T. Milliken Department of Medicine and the Center for Advancing Health Services, Policy, and Economics Research (CAHSPER) at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
Our primary research focus is on health policy for patients, beneficiaries, and health care providers within the Medicare system using tools and methods from the fields of applied statistics, economics, and data science. Read our website to learn more about us and our work, and reach out if you are interested in collaborating, partnering, or training with us.
Conduct health services research to improve health care access, quality, outcomes, affordability, and equity for Medicare patients, especially for patients who are the most marginalized or vulnerable.
Be nationally influential in putting patient priorities at the center of Medicare policy.
Core Values
1. Consider the implications of our work for patients who we care about.
2. Be willing to change our mind when the data challenge our prior expectations.
3. Be curious and continually read, learn, and grow.
4. Dedicate substantial time to sustained and uninterrupted focus on knowledge creation.
5. Organize and plan our work so that it can be easily understood and replicated.
6. Communicate clearly, directly, and kindly.
7. Collaborate with and help others because there are enough good ideas and projects to go around.
8. Strive for excellence without letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.
“The ignoring of data is, in fact, the easiest and most popular mode of obtaining unity in one’s thought.”
William James
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