Welcome to the Memory Dynamics Laboratory website!

We are interested in the malleability of memory – the cognitive processes and mechanisms that cause memories to change or remain stable over time. Our research focuses on how the process of retrieving memories affects the content (e.g., events, specific details, narrative structure, etc.) and phenomenological characteristics (e.g., confidence, emotional intensity, vividness, etc.) of those memories. Under this broad umbrella, we study a variety of different topics and phenomena, including higher-order learning, error-correction / knowledge revision, self-regulated learning, the interplay between learning and motivation, the impact of technology on learning, autobiographical memory, and collective memory. We are particularly interested in understanding how contextual factors (e.g., knowledge domain, individual differences, time scale) influence these phenomena. Our research addresses both theoretical issues in psychological science and practical applications to education (as well as other applied areas). We utilize many different methodological approaches in our research (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, experimental, experience sampling, longitudinal, etc.) and collect data in a variety of different contexts (laboratory, classroom, online crowd sourcing, educational technology, secondary datasets, etc.). When designing, conducting, and communicating research, we consider equity, diversity, and inclusion to work towards ending systemic racism and other forms of bias that exist in psychological science as well as education research and practice. We also value transparency and reproducibility, and we are committed to open science practices.

We will be considering applications from prospective doctoral students to start in Fall 2025.

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