Freedom is a Constant Struggle: The Mississippi Civil Rights Movement and Its Legacy, (University of Chicago Press), 2004. (Link)
Selected Publications
2022. “The South, Southerners, and Social Forces.” Social Forces
2022. “The Macro-Level Effects of Political Participation,” with Erica Janko, and Austin N. Vo. Pp. 781-796 in The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation, edited by Marco Giugni and Maria Grasso. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2020. “Did Local Civil Rights Protest Liberalize Whites’ Racial Attitudes?” with Michael Biggs and Christopher Barrie. Research and Politics. 7(3): 1-8.
2020. “Contemporary Social Movements in a Hybrid Media Environment.” with Neal Caren and Todd Lu. Annual Review of Sociology. 46: 443–465.
2020. “Racial, Ethnic, and Immigration Protest During Year One of the Trump Presidency.” with Neal Caren and Todd Lu. Pp 208-226 in Racialized Protest and the State, edited by Hank Johnston and Pamela Oliver. London: Routledge.
2020. “Protest Episodes: Shifting Actors and Targets in Local Movements” with Sarah Gaby. Pp 124-44 in Protesters and Their Targets. Edited by James M. Jasper and Brayden G. King. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
2019. “The Science of Contemporary Street Protest: New Efforts in the United States,” with Dana R. Fisher, Neal Caren, Erica Chenoweth, Michael T. Heaney, Tommy Leung, Nathan Perkins, and Jeremy Pressman. Science Advances 5(10):1-15.
2018. “Protesting Trump,” with Neal Caren and Alyssa Browne. Mobilization an International Quarterly 23(4): 393-400.
2018. “The Cultural-Cognitive Mapping of Scientific Professions,” with Gordon Gauchat. American Sociological Review 83(3):567-595.
2018. “Lawyers and Litigation in the Southern Civil Rights Movement,” with Kay Jowers. Law and Policy 40:10-32.
2016. “Sampling Social Movement Organizations” with Bob Edwards, Akram Al-Turk, and Anne Hunter, Mobilization.
2016. “The Legitimacy of Protest: White Southerners’ Attitudes Toward the Civil Rights Movement,” with Kraig Beyerlein and Tuneka Tucker Farnum, Social Forces.
2015. “Group Threat and Policy Change: The Spatial Dynamics of Prohibition Politics, 1890-1919,” with Charles Seguin, American Journal of Sociology.
2015. “Protest Campaigns and Movement Success: Desegregating the U.S. South in the Early 1960s” with Michael Biggs, American Sociological Review.
2015. “Local Protest and Federal Policy: The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the 1964 Civil Rights Act,” with Sarah Gaby, Sociological Forum
2013. “Leading Associations: How Leadership Teams Generate Leader Time Contributions,” with Matthew Baggetta and Hahrie Han, American Sociological Review 78:544-573.
2012. “Strategy in Action: Introduction” In G. Maney, R. V. Kutz- Flamenbaum, D. Rohlinger and J. Goodwin (editors). Strategy in Action. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. (with G. Maney, R. V. Kutz-Flamenbaum, D. Rohlinger and J. Goodwin)
2011. “Civic Leadership in the Sierra Club,” Pp 110-138 in Interest Group Politics (8th Edition). Cigler, A. and Loomis, B. (editors). Washington, D.C.: CQ Press. (with ChaeyoonLim, Matt Baggetta, Hahrie Han, and Marshall Ganz)
2011. “The Relationship of Leadership Quality to the Political Presence of Civic Associations” Perspectives on Politics 9:45-59 (with Hahrie Han, Marshall Ganz, Matt Baggetta, and Chaeyoon Lim)
2010. “Making the News: Movement Organizations, Media Attention, and the Public Agenda” American Sociological Review 75:841-866 (with Neal Caren)
2010. “Leadership, Membership and Voice: Civic Associations That Work.” American Journal of Sociology. 115: 1191-1242 (with Marshall Ganz, Matt Baggetta, Hahrie Han, andChaeyoon Lim).
2010. “From Protest to Organization: The Impact of the 1960 Sit-ins on Movement Organizations in the American South.” Pp 187-203 in Dynamics of Diffusion in Social Movements, B. Givans, K. Roberts and S. Soule, eds., Cambridge University Press. (with Michael Biggs).
2008. “Black Voting During the Civil Rights Movement: A Micro-Level Analysis,” Social Forces 87:65-93 (with Kraig Beyerlein).
2007. “Author-Meets-Critics Symposium: Freedom is a Constant Struggle,” Reviews by Aldon Morris and Belinda Robnett with Response. Social Movement Studies. 6:195-205.
2006. “The Dynamics of Protest Diffusion: Movement Organizations, Social Networks, and News Media in the 1960 Sit-Ins,” American Sociological Review 71: 752-777 (with Michael Biggs).
2005. “The Organizational Structure of Local Environmentalism,” Mobilization. 10:213-234. (with Bob Edwards).
2004. “Advocacy Organizations in the U.S. Policy Process,” Annual Review of Sociology. 30:479-506. (with Bob Edwards).
2002. “Movement-Countermovement Dynamics and the Emergence of New Institutions: The Case of ‘White Flight’ Schools in Mississippi,” Social Forces. 80:911-936.
2002. “Creating Social Change: Analyzing the Impacts of Social Movements,” Pp 105-117 in Social Movements: Identity, Culture and the State. Edited by David Meyer, Belinda Robnett, and Nancy Whittier. NY: Oxford University Press.
2001. “Social Movements and Policy Implementation: The Mississippi Civil Rights Movement and the War on Poverty, 1965-1971,” American Sociological Review 66:71-95.
1997. “The Impacts of Social Movements on the Political Process: The Civil Rights Movement and Black Electoral Politics in Mississippi,” American Sociological Review 62:800-819.
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