Edward Henry

Edward Henry

My research explores the material remnants of social, economic, and political institutions among small-scale societies. I am specifically interested in the entanglement of ritual/religious and economic institutions, as well as the transition from complex hunter-gathering to a heavier reliance on domesticated food production. Globally, these changes are usually manifested by the development of inter-regional exchange networks, the construction of monumental architecture, and participation in ritual/religious movements. Currently, I am examining these changes through the Early and Middle Woodland periods in the Ohio River Valley of Eastern North America (ca. 800 BCE and CE 250). During this time societies built burial mounds and geometric earthworks, organized a continental trade network, and developed ritual symbolism and practices that may represent the beginning of a religious institution. However, local populations in the Ohio Valley participated in this cultural development at various scales. Because of the disparity in how people participated in the dynamic economic and religious structures during this time, I approach these issues from a broad landscape scale. Geographic information systems (GIS), various remote sensing techniques (LiDAR, aerial photography, geophysical), geoarchaeology, and Bayesian modeling of chronometric dates allow me to evaluate variation among monumental sites scattered across social landscapes in the Ohio River Valley. My dissertation research investigates geometric earthen enclosures in the Bluegrass Region of Kentucky and their development through time. I examine how and why peoples periodically convened there to alter the local physical and social environment within the context of cooperation and collective action.


Edited Volumes

Wright, Alice P., and Edward R. Henry, editors

2013     Early and Middle Woodland Landscapes of the Southeast. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Refereed Journal Articles

Mixter, David W., and Edward R. Henry

2017  Introduction to Webs of Memory, Frames of Power: Collective Remembering in the Archaeological Record. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 24(1): 1–9. DOI: 10.1007/s10816-017-9323-5

Henry, Edward R.

2017  Building Bundles, Building Memories: Processes of Remembering in Adena-Hopewell Societies of Eastern North America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 24(1): 188–228. DOI: 10.1007/s10816-017-9326-2

Henry, Edward R., Anthony Ortmann, Lee J. Arco, and Tristram R. Kidder

2017     Tetrahedron baked-clay objects from an early woodland context at the Jaketown site, Mississippi. Southeastern Archaeology 36:1, 34-45. DOI: 10.1080/0734578X.2016.1223498

Henry, Edward R. and Casey R. Barrier

2016     The Organization of Dissonance in Adena-Hopewell Societies of Eastern North America. World Archaeology 48(1): 87-109. DOI:10.1080/00438243.2015.1132175

Henry, Edward R., Nicolas R. Laracuente, Jared S. Case, and Jay K. Johnson

2014     Incorporating Multistaged Geophysical Data into Regional-scale Models: a Case Study from an Adena Burial Mound in Central Kentucky Archaeological Prospection 21(1): 15–26. DOI: 10.1002/arp.1474

Kassabaum, Megan C., Edward R. Henry, Vincas P. Steponaitis, and John W. O’hear

2014     Between Surface and Summit: the Process of Mound Construction at Feltus. Archaeological Prospection 21(1): 27–37. DOI: 10.1002/arp.1473

McNutt, Charles H., Jay Franklin, and Edward R. Henry

2012     New Perspectives on Mississippian Occupations in West Tennessee and Northwest Mississippi: Recent Chronological and Geophysical Investigations at Chucalissa (40SY1), Shelby County, Tennessee. Southeastern Archaeology 31:2, 231-250. DOI: 10.1179/sea.2012.31.2.007

Henry, Edward R.

2011     A Multistage Geophysical Approach to Detecting and Interpreting Archaeological Features at the LeBus Circle, Bourbon County, Kentucky. Archaeological Prospection 18:4, 231-244. DOI: 10.1002/arp.418


Book Chapters

Henry, Edward R., Philip B. Mink II, and W. Stephen McBride

2017              Anthropologically Focused Geophysical Surveys and Public Archaeology: Engaging Present-Day Agents in Placemaking. In Archaeological Remote Sensing in North America: Innovative Techniques for Anthropological Applications, edited by Duncan P. McKinnon and Bryan S. Haley, pp. 153–168. University Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

Johnson, Jay K. and Edward R. Henry

2015     Excavations at the South Thomas Street Site (22Le1002): An Early 18th Century Hamlet Located on the Periphery of the Major Chickasaw Settlement in Northeastern Mississippi. In Exploring Southeastern Archaeology: Essays in Honor of Samuel O. Brookes, edited by Patricia Galloway and Evan Peacock, pp. 243-265. University Press of Mississippi, Jackson.

Henry, Edward R.

2013     Adena Political Organization and Variation on the Early and early-Middle Woodland Ritual Landscape in the Kentucky Bluegrass. In Early and Middle Woodland Landscapes of the Southeast, edited by Alice P. Wright and Edward R. Henry, pp. 219-233. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Jefferies, Richard W., George R. Milner, and Edward R. Henry

2013     Winchester Farm: A Small Adena Enclosure in Central Kentucky. In Early and Middle Woodland Landscapes of the Southeast, edited by Alice P. Wright and Edward R. Henry, pp. 91-107. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Wright, Alice P., and Edward R. Henry

2013     Emerging Approaches to the Landscapes of the Early and Middle Woodland Southeast. In Early and Middle Woodland Landscapes of the Southeast, edited by Alice P. Wright and Edward R. Henry, pp. 1-16. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.


Book Reviews

Henry, Edward R.

2016      Review of: Chaco Revisited: New research on the prehistory of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, edited by Carrie C. Heitman and Stephen Plog. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 26:4, 751-753.

Henry, Edward R.

2013              Review of: Sacred Games, Death, and Renewal in the Ancient Eastern Woodlands: The Ohio Hopewell System of Cult Sodality Heterarchies, by A. Martin Byers. Southeastern Archaeology 32:2, 281-283


Web-Based Publications

The Black Trowel Collective

2016     Foundations of an Anarchist Archaeology: A Community Manifesto. Savage Minds, 31 Oct. 2016, http://savageminds.org/2016/10/31/foundations-of-an-anarchist-archaeology-a-community-manifesto. Accessed 25 Jan. 2017.


Other Publications

Henry, Edward R., Bill Angelbeck, Uzma Z. Rizvi

2017     Against Typology: A Critical Approach To Archaeological Order. The SAA Archaeological Record 17:1, 28-32.

Baires, Sarah E. and Edward R. Henry

2015     Gender Roles and Archaeologists in the Southeast: Working Toward Equality. Horizon and Tradition: The Newsletter of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference 57:1, 14-18.