S. Margaret Spivey

S. Margaret Spivey

S. Margaret Spivey is a Ph.D. Candidate here in the Washington University in St. Louis Department of Anthropology under the advisement of professor T.R. Kidder. Her current research examines the composition of households, as well as the intersection between iconography and human-animal interactions, at the Fort Center site (8GL13) in south Florida. Beyond her academic work, Ms. Spivey is an Assistant Chief of the Upper Georgia Tribal Town of the Pee Dee Indian Nation of Beaver Creek.


SPIVEY, S. M., T.R. Kidder, A.A. Ortmann, and L. Arco

2015   “Pilgrimage to Poverty Point?” In The Enigma of the Event: Moments of Consequence in the Ancient Southeast, edited by Z. Gilmore and J. O’Donoughue, pp. 230-267. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

Thompson, V.D, T.J. Pluckhahn, A.D.R. Thompson, K.J. Gremillion, H.R. Morris, E.B. Turck, K. Swisher, B. Keller, and S.M. SPIVEY

2012   Archaeological Investigations at Fort Center (8GL13) (2010 Field Season), Glades County, Florida. Report submitted to the Bureau of Natural and Cultural Resources, Division of Recreation and Parks, Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, Florida.
Morris, H.R. and S.M. SPIVEY

2010   2010 The Ohio State University Field School Excavations: Fort Center, Glades County, Florida. The Florida Anthropologist 63(3-4): 186-187.