Schmack K, Bosc M, Ott T, Sturgill JF, Kepecs A. Striatal dopamine mediates hallucination-like perception in mice. Science. 2021 Apr 2;372(6537):eabf4740. doi: 10.1126/science.abf4740. PMID: 33795430.


Hirokawa J, Vaughan A, Ott, T., Masset, P. & Kepecs A. Frontal cortex neuron types categorically encode single decision variables Nature (2019) 576:446-451.


Li SJ, Vaughan A, Sturgill JF, Kepecs A. A Viral Receptor Complementation Strategy to Overcome CAV-2 Tropism for Efficient Retrograde Targeting of Neurons. Neuron. 2018;98(5):905-917.e5. PMID:29879392.


Lak, A., Nomoto, K., Keramati, M., Sakagami, M. & Kepecs A. (2017) Midbrain Dopamine Neurons Signal Belief in Choice Accuracy during a Perceptual Decision Current Biology [Full text]


Neuro Cloud Consortium (2016) To the Cloud! A Grassroots Proposal to Accelerate Brain Science Discovery. Neuron Nov 2;92(3):622-627. [Full text]

Sanders, J.I., Hangya, B. & Kepecs A. (2016) Signatures of a statistical computation in the human sense of confidence Neuron 90(3):499-506. [Full text ] [News and Views]

Hangya, B., Sanders, J.I. & Kepecs A. (2016) A mathematical framework for statistical decision confidence. Neural Computation 28:1-20. [Full text]

Tadayon, M.A., Li, Q., Mohanty, A., St-Gelais, R., Kepecs, A. & Lipson, M. (2016) Integrated nanophotonic platform for high bandwidth and high resolution optogenetic excitation. Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)

Kobak D, Brendel W, Constantinidis C, Feierstein CE, Kepecs A, Mainen ZF, Romo R, Qi XL, Uchida N, Machens CK (2016) Demixed principal component analysis of neural population data. Elife April 12;5. pii: e10989. [Full text ]

Pouget A, Drugowitsch J, Kepecs A. (2016) Confidence and certainty: distinct probabilistic quantities for different goals. Nat Neurosci 23;19(3):366-74. [Full text]


Kepecs A & Mensh BD (2015) Emotor control: computations underlying bodily resource allocation, emotions, and confidence. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 17(4):391-401. [Full text]

Hangya, B, Sanders, JI & Kepecs A (2015) A mathematical framework for statistical decision confidence. BioRXiv [Full text]

Lin, SC, Brown, RE, Shuler, GHM, Petersen, CCH & Kepecs A (2015) Optogenetic dissection of the basal forebrain neuromodulatory control of cortical activation, plasticity and cognition. J. Neurosci. 35(41):13896-903 [Full text]

Hangya B, Ranade SP, Lorenc M & Kepecs A. (2015) Central Cholinergic Neurons Are Rapidly Recruited by Reinforcement Feedback. Cell. 162(5):1155-68. [Full text]

Hangya B, Kepecs A. (2015) Vision: how to train visual cortex to predict reward time. Curr Biol. 25(12):R490-2. [Full text]


Sanders JI, Kepecs A. (2014) A low-cost programmable pulse generator for physiology and behavior. Front Neuroeng. 7:43. [Full text]

Takada N, Pi HJ, Sousa VH, Waters J, Fishell G, Kepecs A & Osten P. (2014) A developmental cell-type switch in cortical interneurons leads to a selective defect in cortical oscillations. Nat Commun.. Oct 30;5:5333. [Full text]

Lak A, GM Costa, E Romberg, A Koulakov, ZF Mainen & A Kepecs (2014) Orbitofrontal cortex is required for optimal waiting based on decision confidence. Neuron Oct 1;84(1):190-201. [Full text]

Ranade S, Pi HJ & A. Kepecs (2014) Neuroscience: waiting for serotonin. Current Biolology Sep 8;24(17):R803-5. [Full text]

Hangya B, Pi HJ, Kvitsiani D, Ranade SP & A Kepecs (2014) From circuit motifs to computations: mapping the behavioral repertoire of cortical interneurons. Curr Opin Neurobiol. Jun;26:117-24 [Full text | PDF]

A. Kepecs & G. Fishell (2014) Interneuron cell types are fit to function. Nature. Jan 16; 505(7483):318-326. [Full text | PDF]


H.J. Pi, B. Hangya, D. Kvitsiani, J.I. Sanders, Z.J. Huang & A. Kepecs (2013) Cortical interneurons that specialize in disinhibitory control. Nature. Nov 28;503(7477):521-4. [Full text | PDF]

A. Kepecs (2013) The uncertainty of it all. Nat Neurosci. Jun;16(6):660-2. [Full text | PDF]

D. Kvitsiani*, S. Ranade*, B. Hangya, H. Tanaguchi, J.Z. Huang & A. Kepecs (2013) Distinct behavioural and network correlates of two interneuron types in prefrontal cortex. Nature, 20; 498(7454):363-6. *These authors contributed equally. [Full text | PDF]

H.A. Zariwala, A. Kepecs, N. Uchida, J. Hirokawa & Z.F. Mainen (2013) The limits of deliberation in a perceptual decision task. Neuron, 24;78(2):339-51. [Full text | PDF]

S. Ranade*, B. Hangya* & A. Kepecs (2013) Multiple modes of phase locking between sniffing and whisking during active exploration. J. Neurosci. 8;33(19):8250-6. *These authors contributed equally. [Abstract | PDF]


J. Sanders and A. Kepecs (2012). Choice Ball: a response interface for psychometric discrimination in head-fixed mice. J. Neurophysiol. 108(12):3416-23. [Abstract | PDF]


Z.F. Mainen and A. Kepecs A (2009) Neural representation of behavioral outcomes in the orbitofrontal cortex. Curr Opin Neurobiol 19(1): 84-91. [Abstract | PDF]


A. Kepecs, N. Uchida, H.A. Zariwala & Z.F. Mainen (2008) Neural correlates, computation and behavioral impact of decision confidence. Nature 455(7210):227-31. [Abstract | PDF]


A. Kepecs, N. Uchida and Z.F. Mainen (2007) Rapid and Precise Control of Sniffing during Olfactory Discrimination in Rats J. Neurophys. 98(1):205-13. [Abstract | PDF]

A. Kepecs and S. Raghavachari (2007) Gating information by two-state membrane potential fluctuations. J Neurophysiol. 97(4):3015-23. [Abstract | PDF]


N. Uchida, A. Kepecs and Z.F. Mainen (2006) Seeing at a glance, smelling in a whiff: rapid forms of perceptual decision making. Nature Reviews in Neuroscience 7(6):485-491. [Abstract | PDF]

A. Kepecs, N. Uchida and Z.F. Mainen (2006) The sniff as a unit of olfactory processing. Chemical Senses 31(2):167-79. [Abstract | PDF]


A. Kepecs and J. Lisman (2004) How to read a burst duration code. Neurocomputing 58-60:1-6. [Abstract | PDF]


C.D. Brody, R. Romo and A. Kepecs (2003) Basic mechanisms for graded persistent activity: discrete attractors, continuous attractors, and dynamic representations. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 13(2):204-11. [Abstract | PDF]

A. Kepecs and J. Lisman (2003) Information encoding and computation with spikes and bursts. Network 14(1):103-18. [Abstract | PDF]


A. Kepecs, M.C.W. van Rossum, S. Song and J. Tegner (2002) Spike-timing-dependent plasticity: common themes and divergent vistas. Biological Cybernetics , 87(5-6): 446-58 [Abstract | PDF]

A. Kepecs, X.-J. Wang, J. Lisman (2002) Bursting neurons signal input slope. Journal of Neuroscience, 22(20): 9053-62 [Abstract | PDF]

A. A. Koulakov, S. Raghavachari, A. Kepecs and J. Lisman (2002) Model for a robust neural integrator. Nature Neuroscience 5(8): 775-782 [Abtract | PDF | Supplementary info | News&Views]

J. Tegner and A. Kepecs (2002) Adaptive spike-timing-dependent plasticity. Neurocomputing 44-46: 189-194. [Abstract | PDF]

J. Tegner and A. Kepecs (2002) Why neuronal dynamics should control synaptic learning rules in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems , 13: 285-292. [Abstract | PDF]

A. Kepecs and S. Ragachavari (2002) 3 state neurons for contextual processing. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13:229-236. [Abstract | PDF]


A. Kepecs and X.-J. Wang (2000) Analysis of complex bursting in cortical pyramidal neuron models. Neurocomputing 32-33, 181-187 (2000) [Abstract | PDF]


M. Lengyel, A. Kepecs, P. Erdi (1999) Location-dependent differences between somatic and dendritic IPSPs. Neurocomputing 26-27, 193-197.