We’re always looking for enthusiastic, motivated, and hardworking researchers and students to join our group.

Postdoctoral Research Opportunities


We have openings for postdoctoral research associate/Staff Scientists in the Kapoor lab. The appointee will work in a collaborative environment and have the opportunity to contribute to multiple projects. Current projects in the lab include: 1) Development of antibody-drug conjugates for targeted cancer drug delivery, 2) Evaluate immune modulation by cancer-specific human antibodies, 3) Mechanisms of cancer progression and resistance to therapies.


  1. Actively pursue research under the supervision of the PI while developing skills for independent research.
  2. Critically analyze and summarize scientific literature.
  3. Develop research questions, design and conduct experiments, and critically analyze data.
  4. Communicate methods, data, and results in presentations and via manuscript writing.
  5. Assist with grant preparation.

Required Qualifications:
Ph.D. (or equivalent degree) in cancer biology, immunology, molecular biology, or a related field. Extensive experience in cancer biology techniques, including multi-color flow cytometry, tissue culture, genetic editing using shRNAs and/or CRISPR, real-time PCR, western blotting, and microscopy. Experience with in vivo mouse models of cancer and immuno-oncology will be a plus. Outstanding scientific communication skills including oral presentations and manuscript preparation.

Applicant Special Instructions:
Interested candidates should send a brief cover letter and curriculum vitae to Dr. Vaishali Kapoor (vkapoor@wustl.edu)

Graduate Student Opportunities

Students interested in pursuing Ph.D. degrees in our lab are welcome and encouraged to contact Dr. Kapoor at vkapoor@wustl.edu.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Undergraduates interested in our research are welcome throughout the year. Please send an email to vkapoor@wustl.edu