We’re always looking for enthusiastic, motivated, and hardworking researchers and students to join our group.
Postdoctoral Research Opportunities
We have openings for postdoctoral research associate/Staff Scientists in the Kapoor lab. The appointee will work in a collaborative environment and have the opportunity to contribute to multiple projects. Current projects in the lab include: 1) Development of antibody-drug conjugates for targeted cancer drug delivery, 2) Evaluate immune modulation by cancer-specific human antibodies, 3) Mechanisms of cancer progression and resistance to therapies.
- Actively pursue research under the supervision of the PI while developing skills for independent research.
- Critically analyze and summarize scientific literature.
- Develop research questions, design and conduct experiments, and critically analyze data.
- Communicate methods, data, and results in presentations and via manuscript writing.
- Assist with grant preparation.
Required Qualifications:
Ph.D. (or equivalent degree) in cancer biology, immunology, molecular biology, or a related field. Extensive experience in cancer biology techniques, including multi-color flow cytometry, tissue culture, genetic editing using shRNAs and/or CRISPR, real-time PCR, western blotting, and microscopy. Experience with in vivo mouse models of cancer and immuno-oncology will be a plus. Outstanding scientific communication skills including oral presentations and manuscript preparation.
Applicant Special Instructions:
Interested candidates should send a brief cover letter and curriculum vitae to Dr. Vaishali Kapoor (vkapoor@wustl.edu)
Graduate Student Opportunities
Students interested in pursuing Ph.D. degrees in our lab are welcome and encouraged to contact Dr. Kapoor at vkapoor@wustl.edu.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Undergraduates interested in our research are welcome throughout the year. Please send an email to vkapoor@wustl.edu