Yang, S., M. Tian, Y. Dai, R. Wang, S. Yamada, S. Feng, Y. Wang, D. Chhangani, T. Ou, W. Li, X. Guo, J. McAdow, D. E. Rincon-Limas, X. Yin, W. Tai, G. Cheng, and A.N. Johnson (2024).

Infection and chronic disease activate a systemic brain-muscle signaling axis

The brain-muscle signaling axis in the media

DE Rincon-Limas and AN Johnson (2024)

Brain inflammation may be the reason behind muscle fatigue after infection and injury. The Conversation, Dec 2024

AN Johnson (2024)

Myotube guidance: shaping up the musculoskeletal system. J Dev Biol, 2024.jdb12030025

DK Shaw, VM Saraswathy, AR McAdow, L Zhou, DK Park, R Mote, AN Johnson, MH Mokalled (2024).

Elevated phagocytic capacity directs innate spinal cord repair. biorxiv, 2024.06.11.598515

AF Mead, NB Wood, R Nelson, BM Palmer, L Yang, SB Previs, A Ploysangngam, GG Kennedy, JF McAdow, SM Tremble, MJ Cipolla, AM Ebert, AN Johnson, CA Gurnett, MJ Previs, DM Warshaw (2024).

Functional role of myosin-binding protein H in thick filaments of developing vertebrate fast-twitch skeletal muscle. J Gen Physiol 2024 Dec 2;156(12):e202413604

S Yamada, T Ou, S Nachadalingam, PreMIER Consortium, S Yang, AN Johnson (2023).

An in vivo platform to identify pathogenic loci. biorxiv, 2023.11.01.565153

Yang S. and Johnson A.N. (2023)

The serine/threonine kinase Back seat driver prevents cell fusion to maintain cell identity. Developmental Biology, 495:35-41.

Yang, S., Y. Du, J. McAdow, J. Trigg…and A.N. Johnson (2022).

Spatiotemporal expression of regulatory kinases directs the transition from mitosis to cellular morphogenesis. Nature Communications. 13, 772

McAdow, J*, S. Yang*, T. Ou, G. Huang, M.B. Dobbs, C.A. Gurnett, and A.N. Johnson (2022).

A pathogenic mechanism associated with myopathies and structural birth defects involves TPM2 directed myogenesis. JCI Insights 7(12): e152466. 

Ou, T., G. Huang, B. Wilson, P. Gontarz, J.B. Skeath, and A.N. Johnson (2021).

A genetic screen for regulators of muscle morphogenesis in Drosophila. G3, jkab172

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Models of Distal Arthrogryposis and Lethal Congenital Contracture Syndrome. Genes (2021)Jun 20;12(6):943. doi: 10.3390/genes12060943

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MYH3-associated distal arthrogryposis zebrafish model is normalized with para-aminoblebbistatin. EMBO Mol Med. 2020 DOI:10.15252/emmm.202012356

Yang, S., A. Weske, Y. Du, J. M. Valera, and A.N. Johnson (2020).

FGF signaling directs myotube guidance by regulating Rac activity. Development, 147(3):dev183624.

Williams, J., N.G. Boin, J.M. Valera, and Johnson, A.N. (2015).

Noncanonical roles for Tropomyosin during myogenesis. Development 142, 3440-3452.

Johnson, A.N., M.H. Mokalled,…K.D. Poss, and E.N. Olson (2013).

Post-transcriptional regulation of myotube elongation and myogenesis by Hoi Polloi. Development 140, 3645-3656.

Mokalled, M.H., A.N. Johnson, E. Creemers, and E.N. Olson (2012)

MASTR directs MyoD-dependent satellite cell differentiation during skeletal muscle regeneration. Genes & Dev. 2012. 26: 190-202.

Johnson, A.N., M.H. Mokalled, T.N. Haden, and E.N. Olson (2011).

JAK/Stat signaling regulates heart precursor diversification in Drosophila. Development 2011 138: 4627-4638.