‘A Mile Wide But an Inch Deep’ (?): The Structure of Democratic Commitments in the Former USSR
American Journal of Political Science 40 (#2, May 1996): 396-420.
‘New-Style’ Judicial Campaigns and the Legitimacy of State High Courts
The Journal of Politics 71 (#4, October 2009): 1285-1304.
A Sober Second Thought: An Experiment in Persuading Russians to Tolerate
American Journal of Political Science 42 (#3, July 1998): 819-850.
Alternative Measures of Political Tolerance: Must Tolerance be ‘Least-Liked’?
American Journal of Political Science (#2, May 1992): 560-577.
Assessing Party Organizational Strength
(With Cornelius P. Cotter, John F. Bibby, and Robert J. Huckshorn). American Journal of Political Science 27 (#2, May 1983): 193-222.
Blacks and the United States Supreme Court: Models of Diffuse Support
(With Gregory A. Caldeira). Journal of Politics 54 (#4, November 1992): 1120-1145.
Cambodians’ Support for the Rule of Law on the Eve of the Khmer Rouge Trials
(With Jeffrey Sonis and Sokhom Hean). International Journal of Transitional Justice, forthcoming.
Challenges to the Impartiality of State Supreme Courts: Legitimacy Theory and ‘New-Style’ Judicial Campaigns
American Political Science Review 102 (#1, February 2008): 59-75.
Confirmation Politics and the Legitimacy of the U.S. Supreme Court: Institutional Loyalty, Positivity Bias, and the Alito Nomination
(With Gregory A. Caldeira). American Journal of Political Science 53 (#1, January 2009): 139-155.
Defenders of Democracy? Legitimacy, Popular Acceptance, and the South African Constitutional Court
(With Gregory A. Caldeira). Journal of Politics 65 (#1, February 2003): 1-30.
Democratic Values and the Transformation of the Soviet Union
(With Raymond M. Duch, and Kent L. Tedin). Journal of Politics 54 (#2, May 1992): 329-371.
Discriminant Functions, Role Orientations, and Judicial Behavior: Theoretical and Methodological Linkages
Journal of Politics 39 (#4, November 1977): 984-1007.
Does Truth Lead to Reconciliation? Testing the Causal Assumptions of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Process
American Journal of Political Science 48 (#2, April 2004): 201-217.
Group Identities and Theories of Justice: An Experimental Investigation Into the Justice and Injustice of Land Squatting in South Africa
The Journal of Politics 70 (#3, July 2008): 700- 716.
Has Legal Realism Damaged the Legitimacy of the U.S. Supreme Court?
(With Gregory A. Caldeira). Law and Society Review, forthcoming.
Intolerance and Political Repression in the United States: A Half-Century After McCarthyism
American Journal of Political Science 52 (#1, January 2008): 96-108.
Judges’ Role Orientations, Attitudes and Decisions: An Interactive Model
American Political Science Review 72 (#3, September 1978): 911-924.
Judging the Politics of Judging: Are Politicians in Robes Inevitably Illegitimate?
In What’s Law Got To Do With It? What Judges Do and Why It Matters. Edited by Charles G. Geyh. Forthcoming. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Knowing the Supreme Court? A Reconsideration of Public Ignorance of the High Court
(With Gregory A. Caldeira). The Journal of Politics 71 (#2, April 2009): 429-441.
Land Redistribution/Restitution in South Africa: A Model of Multiple Values, as the Past Meets the Present
British Journal of Political Science 40 (#1, January 2010), pp. 135-169.
Making Tolerance Judgments: The Effects of Context, Local and National.
(With Amanda Gouws). Journal of Politics 63 (#4, November 2001): 1067-1090.
Mass Opposition to the Soviet Putsch of August 1991: Collective Action, Rational Choice, and Democratic Values in Former Soviet Union
American Political Science Review 86 (#2, June 1997): 338-356.
Measuring Attitudes Toward the United States Supreme Court
(With Gregory A. Caldeira, and Lester Kenyatta Spence). American Journal of Political Science 47 (#2, April 2003): 354-367.
Nationalization of the Electorate in the United States
(With John P. Frendreis and Laura L. Vertz). American Political Science Review 81 (#3, September 1987): 961-966.
On the Conceptualization and Measurement of Political Tolerance
(With Richard D. Bingham). American Political Science Review 76 (#3, September 1982):603-620.
On the Legitimacy of National High Courts
(With Gregory A. Caldeira, and Vanessa Baird). American Political Science Review 92 (#2, June 1998): 343-358.
Party Dynamics in the 1980s: Changes in County Party Organizational Strength 1980-1984
(With John P. Frendreis, and Laura L. Vertz). American Journal of Political Science 33 (#1, February 1989): 67-90.
Party Integration and Party Organizational Strength
(With Robert J. Huckshorn, Cornelius P. Cotter, and John F. Bibby). Journal of Politics 48 (#4, November 1986): 976-991.
Perceived Political Freedom in the Soviet Union
Journal of Politics 55 (#4, November 1993): 936-974.
Personality and Elite Political Behavior: The Influence of Self Esteem on Judicial Decision Making
Journal of Politics 43 (#1, February 1981): 104-125.
Political and Economic Markets: Changes in the Connections Between Attitudes Toward Political Democracy and a Market Economy Within the Mass Culture of Russia and Ukraine
Journal of Politics 58 (#4, November 1996): 954-984.
Political Intolerance and Political Repression during the McCarthy Red Scare
American Political Science Review 82 (#2, June 1988): 511-529.
Public Images and Understandings of Courts
In The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Research. Edited by Peter Cane and Herbert M. Kritzer. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming, pp. 828-853.
Racial Reconciliation in South Africa: Interracial Contact and Changes Over Time
(With Christopher Claassen) Journal of Social Issues 66 (#2, 2010), pp. 255-272. [Edited by Gillian Finchilescu and Colin Tredoux.]
Social Identities and Political Intolerance: Linkages Within the South African Mass Public
(With Amanda Gouws). American Journal of Political Science 44 (#1, January 2000): 51-68.
Social Networks, Civil Society, and the Prospects for Consolidating Russia’s Democratic Transition
American Journal of Political Science 44 (#1, January 2001): 51-68.
The Effects of Judicial Campaign Activity on the Legitimacy of Courts: A Survey-Based Experiment
(With Jeffrey A. Gottfried, Michael X. Delli Carpini, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson). Political Research Quarterly, forthcoming.
The Electoral Relevance of Local Party Organizations
(With John P. Frendreis and Laura L. Vertz). American Political Science Review 84 (#1, March 1990): 225-235.
The Etiology of Public Support for the Supreme Court
(With Gregory A. Caldeira). American Journal of Political Science 36 (#3, August 1992): 635-664.
The Legitimacy of the Court of Justice in the European Union: Models of Institutional Support
(With Gregory A. Caldeira). American Political Science Review 89 (#2, June 1995): 353-376.
The Legitimacy of Transnational Legal Institutions: Compliance, Support, and the European Court of Justice
(With Gregory A. Caldeira). American Journal of Political Science 39 (#2, May 1995): 459-489.
The Policy Consequences of Political Intolerance: Political Repression During the Vietnam War Era
Journal of Politics 51 (#1, February 1989):13-35.
The Political Consequences of Intolerance: Cultural Conformity and Political Freedom
American Political Science Review 86 (#2, June 1992): 338-356.
The Political Consequences of Religiosity: Does Religion Always Cause Political Intolerance?
In Religion and Democracy in America. Edited by Alan Wolfe and Ira Katznelson. New York and New Jersey: Princeton University Press and the Russell Sage Foundation, 2010, pp 147-175.
Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa: Attributions of Blame and the Struggle over Apartheid
(With Amanda Gouws). American Political Science Review 93 (#3, September 1999): 501-517.
Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation: Judging the Fairness of Amnesty in South Africa
American Journal of Political Science 46: (#3, July 2002): 540-556.
Whither the Local Parties?: A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analysis of the Strength of Party Organizations
(With Cornelius P. Cotter, John F. Bibby, and Robert J. Huckshorn). American Journal of Political Science 29 (#1, February 1985): 139-160.