• January 27, 2025: Joe is one of the inaugural Arts & Sciences Gateway Fellows.
• January 15, 2025: Congratulations to lab alum Cynthia Holland, now an assistant professor at Williams College, on receiving an NSF-CAREER award!
• October 30, 2024: Joe and our long-time collaborator Prof. Hiroshi Maeda at U. Wisconsin are featured in an article published in November’s ASBMB Today – “From lab to land: modifying crops to tackle tomorrow’s climate.”
• September 5, 2024: Lab (and BEP) alum Dani Wilder (now a 3rd year medical student at the Washington University School of Medicine) is one of the St. Louis Business Journal’s Inno Under 25 inventors. Dani created nCase Technologies, a Narcan Carry Case that is a silicone keychain attachment that encapsulates naloxone nasal spray (used to counteract opioid overdose) in durable, discreet and convenient-to-carry packaging.
• August 22, 2024: Jae joins the inaugural cohort of Venture Fellows, a program sponsored by the Office of Technology Management and BioGenerator.
• August 20, 2024: Joe’s highlighted on DBBS Mentor Monday.
• July 31, 2024: Closing symposium of the Amgen, Vagelos, and Mac@W Scholars programs.
• July 25-26, 2024: WUSTL-Beckman Scholars John Georgiades, Cynthia Chang, Nina Zheng, and Leanne Le attend the Arnold & Mable Beckman Foundation Symposium in Irvine, CA.
• July 12-14, 2024: Amgen Scholars Symposium at UCLA.
• June 22-26, 2024: American Society of Plant Biology’s 100th Anniversary Meeting in Honolulu – St. Louis plant science was well represented.
• June 11, 2024: Summer undergraduate researchers from the Amgen, Mac@W, and Beckman Scholars Programs visit Pfizer-Chesterfield.
• May 7, 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Vivian Kitainda!
• April 17-18, 2024: Joe is a speaker at the Analytical Excellence through Industry Collaboration (AEIC) Meeting in St. Louis.
• April 10-11, 2024: Joe is a speaker at the Bayer Science Fellows Symposium on AI-ming to Revolutionize Research: Future Uses of AI in Life Science Research.
• April 9, 2024: Cathie Martin from the John Innes Center (Norwich, UK) is this year’s Varner Lecturer.
• March 26, 2024: Food Futures Symposium held at Washington University. As part of the Here & Next strategic plan, this initiative aims to build new collaborations to address regional, national and global challenges related to food security, hunger and malnutrition. Joe is a speaker in the Food Sustainability Ignite Session.
• September 27-29, 2023: Joe visits the Salk Institute – thanks to Joe Noel and his lab for hosting. It was also a chance to meet lab alums Josephine and Suchi.
• August 3-5, 2023: WUSTL-Beckman Scholars Cynthia Chang and John Georgiades, along with John’s mentor Prof. Tim Wencewicz, attend the Arnold & Mable Beckman Foundation Symposium in Irvine, CA.
• June 30, 2023: Joe finishes his 5-year term as Chair of Biology.
• June 11-16, 2023: The 2023 Plant Metabolic Engineering Gordon Research Conference in Barcelona, Spain.
• June 6, 2023: Plant science work from the Jez, Olsen, Penczykowski, and Zhong labs is featured in the Arts & Sciences Ampersand Magazine.
• May 15, 2023: Vivian starts her internship in the Protein Science group at Bayer Crop Science.
• April 30-May 4, 2023: The 16th International Society for Biosafety Research (ISBR) Symposium is held at Union Station in St. Louis. Joe is the opening speaker and Vivian, Jeremy, & Daniel helped with registration and sessions.
• April 28, 2023: Joe joins interim DBBS Director Steve Mennerick for closing remarks at the 50th DBBS Anniversary Celebration.
• April 28, 2023: Joe is a speaker at the New Science Enabled by Ultra-high Throughput Crystallography Workshop hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory.
• January 24, 2023: Washington University is one of 14 institutions selected by the Arnold & Mabel Beckman Foundation to receive a Beckman Scholars Program award.
• September 21, 2022: Joe receives the David Hadas Teaching Award from Arts & Sciences. This award was established by Pamela W. Hadas to honor and publicly recognize an outstanding tenured faculty member in Arts & Sciences who demonstrates commitment and excellence in teaching first-year undergraduate students.
• May 4, 2022: Biotech and Beyond – Biotech Explorers Pathway alum Gaby Smith was featured in the Spring 2022 Ampersand. Gaby was also a Women’s Society of Washington University Harriet K Switzer Leadership Awardee and a Class of 2022 Class Act.
• April 4, 2022: Joe’s installation ceremony as a Spencer T. Olin Professor in Biology was held in Holmes Lounge.
• March 29, 2022: Joe presents in the PhD Workshop of the Natural Products Section of the German Society for Plant Sciences hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena.
• February 21, 2022: Two independently evolved mutations regulate tyrosine synthesis and boost amino acid production. This work was part of a collaboration with the Maeda lab at U. Wisconsin and featured on the cover of the Plant Journal.
• October 7, 2021: The InPrint group, including Anne, publish in Nature Biotech on improving science communication through service, education, and career development.
• September 26-30, 2021: Joe is a keynote speaker at S-Bio2021, the joint meeting for plant and human sulfur biology and glucosinolates, in Sevilla, Spain.
August 2, 2021: The Encyclopedia of Biology Chemistry (3rd edition) is published with thanks to associate editors Norma Allewell, Bob Blankenship, Kent Chapman, Arthur Cooper, Tom Maresca, Sona Pandey, and Hani Zaher; guest editors Jason, Justin, Sarah, and Vivian; the production team – Paula Davies, Priscilla Braglia, and Fizza Fathima; and hundreds of contributors.
July 19, 2021: Joe presents at Plant Biology 2021 in the ASPB President’s Symposium on Building the Bioeconomy: Preparing STEM Trainees for Future Challenges.
June 16, 2021: The lab welcomes Lindsey Aubuchon (UNC-Wilmington) who joins for the summer as part of the WUSTL-Amgen Scholars Program.
May 25, 2021: Chris Topp (Danforth Center) and Joe guest edited a special issue of Emerging Topics in Life Sciences focused on plant science and new technologies.
May 7, 2021: Congratulations to Dani on receiving the 2021 Quatrano Prize – this award is made to a graduating Biology major for a senior thesis showing creativity in design, methodology, and implications.
April 5, 2021: Lab alum Soon Goo Lee, now an Assistant Professor at UNC-Wilmington, is selected for an Arthur Neish Young Investigator Award of the Phytochemical Society of North America. Congratulations, Soon!
January 29, 2021: Bio4522’s paper in Bioscience Reports on AldA makes the cover of the journal.
January 22, 2021: The Washington University Record highlights Bio4522 and how the lab class connects back to research in our group.
December 17, 2020: Dani, who graduated this December, is a Class of 2021 “Class Act”. The Washington University Record highlights how she overcame her own learning disability to provide academic support to WUSTL students with physical and learning disabilities.
November 16, 2020: Congratulations to Dr. Justin Miller! Justin will head to the Bowman lab at WUSTL Med School for his postdoc.
September 8, 2020: JBC’s Thematic Review Series on Plants in the Real World is online.
August 17, 2020: “Following the Data” a story about lab alum Kiani Gardner and her run for Congress is published in the Washington Magazine.
July 21, 2020: Ashley Cannon (USDA-ARS) and Joe co-chair the Education Concurrent Session at the 2020 Plant Biology Meeting.
July 20, 2020: Joe presents in the Amgen Scholars Program Summer Symposium series.
June 1, 2020: After three months of shutdown due to Covid-19, Biology starts its return to research.
April 20, 2020: Dani is one of nine student venture finalists for the Skandalaris Center’s Venture Competition – she pitched Precision Patch, a makeup sensitivity patch that allows consumers to test for allergic reactions to cosmetics.
January 17, 2020: JBC’s Thematic Review Series on Natural Products – What’s Next? is online. This collection of reviews was organized by Satish Nair (U. Illinois) and Joe.
November 22, 2019: Vivian and Phillipa Tanford (Penczykowski lab) recieve Howard A. Schneiderman Graduate Fellowships.
November 1, 2019: Joe named as a Spencer T. Olin Professor of Biology.
October 19, 2019: A patent on using engineered phytochelatin synthases for bioremediation of heavy metals is issued.
October 3, 2019: Joe is one of the Faculty Marshals at Chancellor Martin’s inauguration. Each marshal was asked to reflect on “Momentum“.
September 6, 2019: A last paper from Joe’s postdoc days is published in ACS Catalysis. Thanks to everyone who continued the project!
August 23, 2019: Daniel Gatewood receives a 2019 Partnership of Research Institutions Award for Excellence in Research for his STARS summer project.
August 3-7, 2019: Estelle Hrabak (U New Hampshire) and Joe co-chair the Education concurrent session at the 2019 Plant Biology Meeting in San Jose, CA. Joe is also a panelist in the ASPB Minority Affairs Committee mentoring workshop.
Daniel Berkovich presents a poster on his ASPB SURF project.
August 2, 2019: The 2019 Amgen Scholars and BioMedRAP fellows present their summer work at the closing symposium for the programs.
July 19, 2019: Lab alum Kiani Gardner announces her campaign for Congress! Read her Alumni Spotlight.
July 11, 2019: Our Plant Cell paper on the enzyme that makes methinonine-derived glucosinolates is highlighted in the Washington University Record, Futurity, and Seed Quest.
June 27-28, 2019: Joe visits the University of Calgary for a thesis exam and seminar – thanks to Peter Facchini for hosting.
June 16-21, 2019: Plant Metabolic Engineering Gordon Research Conference held in Barga, Italy – Joe is a discussion leader for the future technology session.
June 12, 2019: Our PNAS paper on the enzyme that makes stevia is highlighted in the Washington University Record, El Mundo, Chemical & Engineering News, Modern Farmer, Futurity, and Discover magazine.
June 3-4, 2019: Conagen’s first scientific advisory board meeting.
May 3, 2019: Congratulations to Dr. Samantha Powers! Sam heads to Benson Hill Biosystems as a scientist.
April 9-13, 2019: Joe visits Elsevier and Oxford.
April 9, 2019: Congratulations to Kate Harline (past Jez lab undergrad now at Cornell) and PMB student Kiona Elliott (Bart lab) on receiving NSF Graduate Research Fellowships.
November 27, 2018: Joe is elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
November 1-2, 1018: Joe is one of the working group members at the Breaking the Bottleneck of Genomes: Understanding Gene Function Across Taxa DOE workshop in Bethesda, MD.
November 2018: Joe & Robyn Klein are the new co-directors of the Amgen Scholars Program at WUSTL.
October 11-14, 2018: The 7th McDonnell International Scholars Academy Symposium is held in Beijing at Tsinghua University – Joe with Daoxin Xie co-organized the Plant Biology for Agriculture Workshop.
October 10, 2018: Past undergrad Kate Harline, now at Cornell in the Roeder lab, is named as an ASPB-Conviron Scholar – congratulations Kate!
September 28, 2018: Anne’s JBC paper from her thesis in the Henderson lab on how uropathogenic enterobacteria use yersiniabactin to acquire nickel makes the journal cover.
September 7, 2018: “Preparing for the Competition” a story about WUSTL’s NSF-GRF workshop program is published in the Ampersand.
September 6, 2018: The Society of HHMI Professors’ letter on improving sexual harassment policies of scientific societies is published in Science.
September 6, 2018: Daniel’s interview about his ASPB-SURF is part of the next Biology student newsletter BIOrhythms.
September 5-6, 2018: Schroedinger at 75: The Future of Biology at Trinity College, Dublin.
July 14-18, 2018: Soon presents a talk in the Biochemical Novelty session at the 2018 Plant Biology Meeting in Montreal.
July 6, 2018: Joe visits the John Innes Center in Norwich – thanks to Sarah O’Connor for hosting.
July 1, 2018: Joe becomes Chair of Biology.
June 14-16, 2018: Joe is one of the mentors at the 2018 ASBMB IMAGES Workshop in Washington, DC.
May 24, 2018: Emily presents a poster on her internship in the lab for her Biotech course.
May 23, 2018: Cynthia defends her Ph.D. thesis and will start this summer as an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in the Jander lab at the Boyce Thompson Institute/Cornell University.
May 11, 2018: Cynthia receives an NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology to support her upcoming postdoc in the Jander lab at the Boyce Thompson Institute/Cornell University.
April 27, 2018: Daniel was awarded a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship by the ASPB.
April 21-25, 2018: Alex presents a poster on his HHMI-EXROP work at the 2018 Experimental Biology/ASBMB Meeting in San Diego.
April 6, 2018: JBC publishes a thematic review series on Green Biological Chemistry with contributions from the Blankenship, Pakrasi, Pareek, Partch, and Prather labs.
February 3-4, 2018: Cynthia gives a talk at the 2018 Plant Volatiles Gordon Research Symposium in Barga, Italy with a side-trip to Florence.
January 29, 2018: The Washington University Record highlights recent work with the Kunkel lab published in PLoS Pathogens on how microbes make the plant hormone auxin to evade plant host defenses.
January 26, 2018: The Washington University Record reports on the Biotech Explorers Pathway – how it started and how it has grown.
December 29, 2017: Soon’s JBC paper on the plant phosphoethanolamine methyltransferases is a JBC Editor’s Pick, along with making the cover of the issue and being featured in ASBMB Today.
December 11, 2017: Pieces of Joe’s interview with Scientific American on Plants 2.0 are included in the textbook Scientific American Biology for a Changing World by M Schuster, J Vigna, and M Tontonoz.
October 14, 2017: Soon is a speaker at the 37th Midwest Enzyme Chemistry Conference in Chicago.
August 9-12, 2017: Soon presents a talk at the 19th US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship in Washington, DC.
August 8, 2017: JBC’s virtual issue on Plant Biology from Chemistry to the Field is released and includes past work on phytochelatin synthesis.
July 20-23, 2017: Barrie presents on the Biotech Explorers Pathway at the ASBMB Special Symposium on Transforming Undergraduate Education in the Molecular Life Sciences in Tampa.
June 26, 2017: Congratulations to Cynthia & Soon – our collaboration with the Maeda lab on tyrosine biosynthesis in legumes is published in Nature Chemical Biology and highlighted by the Washington University Record and the DOE-BER Structural Biology program.
June 24-28, 2017: Soon, Sam, and Cynthia present posters at Plant Biology 2017 in Honolulu.
June 19-23, 2017: Joe is an invited speaker and a workshop speaker at the 28th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research held in St. Louis. Joe also presented the JBC Herb Tabor Young Investigator Award to Emily Yang (Chen Lab, Duke University).
June 12, 2017: Cynthia, Ashley, Sam, and Daniel attend the Local Missouri Auxin Meeting. Daniel, a high school student, presents his first poster and Cynthia gives a talk.
June 2, 2017: Ashley defends her Ph.D. thesis and will head to Benson Hill Biosystems.
May 8-9, 2017: Joe is a speaker at the 6th U. Missouri/Gyeongsang Natl. U. Joint International Symposium in Plant Biotechnology held at Mizzou. Thanks to Gary Stacey for hosting.
May 2, 2017: Caroline receives the 2017 Gutsche Award from the Chemistry Department.
April 22-26, 2017: Soon’s work on the rhizobial transcription factor NolR was selected for an oral presentation in the Plant Biochemistry & Metabolism spotlight session at the 2017 Experimental Biology/ASBMB Meeting in Chicago.
March 21, 2017: Cover art for the special “Pulses” issue of the International Journal of Molecular Science. See Xu et al. 2017 Int J Mol Sci 18, 526.
March 17, 2017: Congratulations to Kate on her NSF-GRF Honorable Mention. In addition, Jennette Shoots (PMB student, Haswell lab) received an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and Sarah Rommelfanger (PMB student, Zhang lab) was an honorable mention.
February 21, 2017: Cynthia wins 3rd Place Best Poster Prize in the Sciences at the Graduate Senate Research Symposium.
February 8-10, 2017: Joe is an invited speaker at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Toxicology Forum in Washington, DC.
December 14-17, 2016: Joe is an invited speaker at the International Conference on Functional & Interaction Proteomics sponsored by the Indian Proteomics Society in New Delhi, India and gives a seminar at Jawaharlal Nehru University.
November 22, 2016: Corey & Ashley’s PNAS paper on how GH3 proteins can modulate auxin and salicylic acid is highlighted in the Washington University Record.
November 12, 2016: Joe’s article on university-industry collaborations is published online as part of Scientific American‘s “Lost in Translation: Is Science Explained Fairly in the Media?” series.
October 1, 2016: Soon & Cynthia present posters at the 36th Midwest Enzyme Chemistry Conference in Chicago.
October 1, 2016: Joe starts as an Associate Editor at The Journal of Biological Chemistry.
September 16, 2016: Joe, Soon, and Ashley publish a review in Science on the Next Green Movement: Plant Biology for the Environment and Sustainability. The paper was highlighted in the Washington University Record.
July 22, 2016: Daniel at the STARS Closing Ceremony with Provost Thorp.
July 17-21, 2016: Soon attends the 17th International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions Congress in Portland.
July 16-19, 2016: Joe is an invited speaker in the Applied Protein Science session at the 30th Annual Protein Society meeting in Baltimore.
July 15, 2016: Soon, Cynthia, and Regina present at the 5th Annual Auxin Meeting in Columbia, MO.
July 9-13, 2016: Josephine at ASPB’s Undergraduate Poster Session in Austin.
June 24, 2016: Soon and Ron’s paper on Arabidopsis isopropyl malate dehydrogenase and its role in leucine and glucosinolate biosynthesis is a JBC Paper of the Week. This is Soon’s third JBC Paper of the Week!
May 19, 2016: Happy Commencement to Ron, who heads to Penn for medical school after a return to the Cech Lab this summer.
May 16, 2016: Ashley starts her internship as a Trait Discovery Breeder at Monsanto.
April 2-6, 2016: Joe and Erin Carlson (U Minnesota) co-organize the ASBMB Chemical Biology Symposium at the 2016 Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego. Barrie, Ron, and Cynthia present at the meeting.
March 29, 2016: Tara (now at Yale) and Samantha are honorable mentions for this year’s NSF GRFP.
March 20, 2016: Ron is featured as a Class Act of 2016 in “A Love of Learning”.
February 26, 2016: Ron is awarded a FASEB MARC Travel Award to this April’s Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego.
February 8, 2016: David receives a Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Biomedical Fellow Award.
January 11, 2016: Cynthia and Barrie receive ASBMB Travel Awards to this April’s Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego.
December 11-14, 2015: Joe is a speaker at the 3rd International Plant Physiology Congress at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India and visits the National Institute of Plant Genome Research.
October 22, 2015: Congratulations to Ashley – she was co-author on a Science paper from her rotation in the Haswell Lab.
September 8, 2015: The lab hosts visiting graduate student Suchismita Roy (Jawaharlal Nehru University) as part of the Indo-US Advanced Bioenergy Consortium.
August 9-14, 2015: Joe is an invited speaker at the Society of Invertebrate Pathology Annual Meeting in Vancouver.
July 22-25, 2015: Soon presents a poster at the 29th Protein Society Meeting in Barcelona and a talk at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
July 19-24, 2015: Joe is an invited speaker at the Plant Metabolic Engineering Gordon Research Conference in Waterville Valley, NH and will be 2017 Co-Chair with Andrew Hanson.
July 1, 2015: Former graduate student Corey Westfall (now a postdoc in the Levin lab) receives an inaugural Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellows Award.
June 19, 2015: Joe becomes the McDonnell International Scholars Academy ambassador to China Agricultural University in Beijing.
June 13, 2015: Ron receives a United Negro College Fund/Merck Undergraduate Science Research Scholarship.
June 2015: Congratulations to Sam and Cynthia for being named as William H. Danforth Plant Science Fellows.
June 1, 2015: Ron starts his HHMI-ExROP summer in the Cech lab at UC-Boulder.
May 2015: Soon’s structure of the rhizobial transcription factor NolR published in PNAS is highlighted in the Washington University Record and the Argonne National Lab APS Science Annual Report.
May 19, 2015: David defends his Ph.D. thesis and heads to Mizzou for a postdoc in the Tanner Lab.
April 25, 2015: Ron presents a poster at the St. Louis Area Undergraduate Research Symposium.
April 6, 2015: Joe is promoted to professor.
February 11, 2015: Samantha was awarded a Travel Grant to attend this year’s ASPB Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
January 15, 2015: Ron is selected as a 2015 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) EXceptional Research Opportunities Program (EXROP) award recipient. He will join the lab of Nobel Prize winner Tom Cech at UC-Boulder for the summer.
December 5, 2014: Soon’s and Suwipa’s paper on an alternate mechanism for methylation by Plasmodium phosphoethanolamine methyltransferase is a JBC Paper of the Week.
October 2014: A collaboration with the Kombrink, Kaiser, and Hause labs on a chemical inhibitor of jasmonate signaling makes the cover of Nature Chemical Biology.
September 19, 2014: Joe presents at the Beyond Brookings program.
July 28-August 1, 2014: David presents a poster at the 25th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research in Vancouver.
July 27-30, 2014: Soon presents a poster at the 2014 Protein Society Symposium in San Diego.
Summer 2014; The lab … minus Ron and David
July 18, 2014: Congratulations to David for receiving a USDA-NIFA Predoctoral Research Fellowship.
July 12-16, 2014: Ashley presents a poster at Plant Biology 2014 in Portland, OR.
July 1, 2014: Joe starts a second term on the JBC Editorial Board.
June 30, 2014: Joe is named as one of the 15 new Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professors. See the announcement from HHMI and the Washington University Record article.
June 30, 2014: David’s PNAS paper on how plants use PB1 domains to modulate auxin responses is featured on the Structural Biology Center at Argonne National Lab website and in the Washington University Record.
June 26-30, 2014: The 4th Banff Plant Metabolism Conference.
May 28, 2014: Incoming postdoc Eitan Salomon receives a Vaadia-BARD postdoctoral fellowship.
May 28, 2014: Joe presents at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor Symposium.
May 21, 2014: Soon receives a Finn Wold Travel Award to attend the 2014 Protein Society Meeting in San Diego.
May 16, 2014: Happy Commencement to Jonathan and Tony.
April 28, 2014: The 2014 Bio4522 Protein Chemistry Lab Class presents at the Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium.
April 19, 2014: Tony presents at the St. Louis Area Undergraduate Research Symposium at SIU-Carbondale.
April 17, 2014: Chancellor Wrighton announces the William H. Danforth Plant Sciences Fellowships.
April 11, 2014: Tony receives 3rd Place Best Poster at the 2014 ACS St. Louis Undergraduate Research Symposium.
April 1, 2014: Jonathan and Rebecca (now at Penn) receive NSF Graduate Research Fellowships. Angela Schlegel (Haswell lab) and Tara Alpert were honorable mentions. Incoming PMB students Cynthia Holland and Anne Zimmerman were also awardees and Erica Thomas an honorable mention.
December 10, 2013: Lab Christmas lunch at Pastaria.
November 2013: Tony presents posters at the Midstates Consortium for Math & Science (Nov 1-2) in St. Louis and at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students in Nashville (Nov 13-16).
October 30, 2013: Corey successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis and will join the Levin lab for his postdoc.
October 26, 2013: Tony and Ron present their posters at the Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium.
October 14, 2013: Joe is interviewed on The Prism (Voice of Russia – US Edition) about work in the lab on crop responses to environmental stresses.
October 8, 2013: Soon’s paper on the nematode phosphoethanolamine methyltransferases is published in Structure and accompanied with a preview by Joe Kappock.
September 15, 2013: Corey and Ashley’s JBC mini-review on enzymes and the regulation of plant hormones was highlighted in ASBMB Today.
September 11, 2013: Ron receives a Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Spouses Education Scholarship.
September 11, 2013: Joe is a speaker at the St. Louis League of Women Voters meeting.
July 20-23, 2013: Joe is an invited speaker in the Protein Science for Sustainability session at the Protein Society’s 27th Annual Meeting in Boston.
July 20-24, 2013: Tara and David present posters at the APSB annual meeting in Providence, RI.
June 24-28, 2013: The 24th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research in Sydney.
June 3-7, 2013: The lab moves to Monsanto 5th floor, along with the new Zaher lab.
April 27, 2013: Jonathan wins the Best Undergraduate Poster Prize at the St. Louis Area Undergraduate Research Symposium at SIU-Edwardsville.
April 19, 2013: The 2013 Bio4522 Protein Chemistry Lab Class presents their poster at the Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium.
April 18, 2013: Ron receives a 2013 uSTAR Summer Scholars Program Fellowship.
April 12, 2013: David was awarded a Travel Grant to attend this year’s ASPB Annual Meeting in Providence, RI.
April 9-11, 2013: Joe presents at the ILSI-OECD Biosafety Workshop in Paris.
March 29, 2013: Congratulations to Tara on her NSF-GRF Honorable Mention. In addition, Tara Enders (Plant Biology graduate student, Strader Lab) and Amelia Nguyen (Plant Biology student, Pakrasi Lab) received NSF Graduate Research Fellowships and first-year Plant Biology graduate students Eric Hamilton & Libby Frick and lab alum Rebecca Rivard (now at U Penn) were honorable mentions.
March 23-24, 2013: Jonathan won 2nd Place Best Undergraduate Poster Award at the ASPB Midwest Regional Meeting in Chicago, IL.
March 16, 2013: Jonathan was selected as a CalTech Amgen Scholar.
March 15, 2013: Joe was highlighted in an article for Science News for Kids.
February 2013: Joe joins the Editorial Board member of The Biochemical Journal.
February 2013: Corey and Soon receive Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Biomedical Fellow Awards.
October 24-27, 2012: Jonathan wins a Best Undergraduate Poster Award at the ACS Midwest Meeting in Omaha.
October 24-25, 2012: Joe is a speaker at the EuropaBio Meeting in Brussels.
October 14, 2012: Congratulations to the Washington University iGEM team (Lucas Harrington, Caleb Ford, Brian Basco, & Andrew Ng) and their Gold Medal at the Americas East Regional Jamboree.
October 2012: Congratulations to Tony for receiving an NIH-MARC uSTAR Fellowship.
September 2012: Joe receives a Fulbright Senior Specialist Award.
August 18-20, 2012: Corey presents a talk at the USDA-NIFA Fellows Meeting in Washington, DC.
August 14, 2012: Jonathan receives a travel award from the ACS Younger Chemists Committee, St. Louis Section to attend the 2012 ACS Midwest Regional Meeting in Omaha.
August 12-16, 2012: Joe is a speaker at the Society of Industrial Microbial Biotechnology Meeting in Washington, DC.
August 10-11, 2012: Soon presents a talk at the 2012 Korea-US Science Cooperation Conference in Los Angeles.
July 20-24, 2012: Jonathan attends the ASPB Meeting in Austin to present his ASPB-SURF research on GH3 proteins.
July 6, 2012: Soon successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis.
June 28 – July 2, 2012: 3rd Banff Plant Metabolism Conference
June 19, 2012: Geoff successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis and will head to NIH for a postdoc in the Xiao Lab.
May 24, 2012: Congratulations to Corey & Jonathan and Chloe, Max, and Ulrike (our collaborators in Grenoble) on their Science paper! Their paper has been highlighted by the Washington University Record, on the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility website, by the American Society of Plant Biologists, and in the Argonne National Lab APS Science 2012 report.
May 18, 2012: Soon’s hooding ceremony at Commencement.
April 6, 2012: Tara Alpert was awarded a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship by the American Society of Plant Biologists.
March 30, 2012: Congratulations to Ashley Muehler, a 1st year Plant Biology graduate student, who received an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, which was based on her rotation in the Jez lab. Tara Enders, another 1st year Plant Biology student, was an Honorable Mention.
January 27, 2012: Joe is featured in a Washington University People Story published In the Washington University Record.
January 23, 2012: Sheri receives an ASBMB Undergraduate Travel Award to to attend the Experimental Biology 2012 meeting in San Diego.
January 6, 2012: Soon’s paper on the structure and mechanism of the Plasmodium phosphoethanolamine methyltransferase was selected as a JBC Paper of the Week with an accompanying author profile. This work was also featured in the Washington University Record, on the Voice of America, the DOE Basic Energy Sciences News website, the Argonne National Lab SBC website, and in ASBMB Today (Feb 2012).
November 2011: Joe becomes Section Chief Editor of Frontiers in Plant Metabolism and Chemodiversity.
October 27, 2011: Saraceno: A Sustainable Future exhibit at the Kemper Art Museum. Joe was part of an interdisciplinary panel that discussed some of the concepts posed by Tomás Saraceno’s art, such as the legacy of the utopian impulse in contemporary art and architecture and the scientific, cultural, and aesthetic dimensions of sustainability.
October 22, 2011: Sheri, Tara, and Jonathan present posters at the Annual Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium. Tara also receives an HHMI Travel Award to support her attendance at Experimental Biology 2012 in San Diego.
October 2011: Joe joins the ASPB-SURF Program Committee.
July 21, 2011: Loren receives one of the four 2011 Ronald McDonald House Charities/HACER Scholarships.
July 17-21, 2011: 4th International Conference on Enzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology, and Applications, Bad Nauheim, Germany.
June 2011: Congratulations to Corey for receiving a USDA-NIFA Predoctoral Research Fellowship.
May 23, 2011: Ashley successfully defends her Ph.D. thesis.
May 13, 2011: Soon receives a travel award to attend the 2011 Korea-US Science Cooperation Conference in Park City, Utah (Aug 10-14).
April 10-13, 2011: At the Experimental Biology/ASBMB Meeting in Washington, DC, Geoff presents a talk in the “Kinases, Phosphatases, and Phosphorus in Biological Reactions” session, Soon receives a travel grant, and Joe is an invited speaker in the “Sulfur Chemistry and Biological Redox” session.
April 7, 2011: Tara receives a Washington University HHMI-SURF Award.
March 17, 2011: Jonathan was awarded a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship by the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB).
March 2011: Joe promoted to Associate Professor.
February 2011: Joe is as a finalist in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute – Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Competition in the Plant Sciences.
February 2011: Ashley receives a 2010 Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Biomedical Fellow Award.
January 2011: Joe becomes an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Plant Metabolism and Chemodiversity.