If plant health is declining or propagation is needed, remove a section of plant with roots if possible (if no roots, use rooting hormone located in the door of the left fridge). Prune any flowers off. Cleanse and rinse roots in either soapy water or diluted Green Shield. Plant in a 3.5-4″ pot of mix, then water in. Make sure to duplicate all tags in the old pot. Two propagations of each plant is ideal.
Place on mist bench for a few days if they have roots or until rooted if they didn’t.
After plant is rooted, stabilized, and growing, go through each prop and toss the extra and old one.

Clover Growing Medium
General use mix, typically Berger BM6.

Watering and Fertilizing
All plants are watered by greenhouse staff, 365 days a year. Fertilizer is given on a schedule: alternating weeks with tap water and 15:16:17 fertilizer.

Pest Management
Regularly treated with nematodes (watering), Cucumeris predatory mites, Stratiolaelaps scimitus, and lacewings.