Scientific name: Amorphophallus konjac
Common name: Konjac, Devil’s tongue
Indigenous name: konnyaku (Japanese)
Native range: China, East Himalaya, Nansei-shoto, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
Habitat: Evenly moist, fertile, well-draining, humusy loams
Bloom time: Late spring/early summer
Bloom color: Reddish purple
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Uses: Landscaping, edible corms! “Starch extracted from the cooked corms is edible and used to make noodles, jellies, fruit candies, vegan seafood, and as a thickening or stabilizing agent in food and drink. The cooked corms also have various traditional medicinal uses.” (MoBot)
Planting date:
Missouri Botanical Garden. Amorphophallus Konjac.