Matt was a research technician in the lab from 2019-2021. Prior to that, he worked in the lab from 2017-2019 as an undergraduate at Washington University. He graduated in 2019 with a double major in Biology and Chemistry with a concentration in biochemistry. Matt is originally from Charlotte, NC. At WashU, he is a Peer Leader in the Chem 111/112 PLTL program, a test writing head for the Washington University Chemistry Tournament, and a member of the Alpha Chi Sigma professional chemistry fraternity. Outside of school, he enjoys hiking, running, and woodworking. Matt went on to pursue his PhD at UCSF in the Tetrad program.
Chen S, Puri A, Bell B, Fritsche J, Palacios HH, Balch M, Sprunger ML, Howard MK, Ryan JJ, Haines JN, Patti GJ, Davis AA, and Jackrel ME (2024). HTRA1 disaggregates α-synuclein amyloid fibrils and coverts them into non-toxic and seeding incompetent species. Nat. Commun. 15: 2436. link
Howard, M.K., Miller K.R., Sohn B.S., Ryan J.J., Xu A., and M.E. Jackrel^ (2023). Probing the drivers of Staphylococcus aureus biofilm protein amyloidogenesis and disrupting biofilms with engineered protein disaggregases. mBio. 10.1128/mbio.00587-23 (^Corresponding author) pdf file link
Shrimali, P.C., Chen S.*, Dreher R.D.*, Howard M.K.*, Buck J., Kim D., Rudra J.S.^, and M.E. Jackrel^ (2022). Amyloidogenic propensity of self-assembling peptides and their adjuvant potential for use as DNA vaccines. Biorxiv.
(*equal contributions, ^Co-corresponding author) pdf file link
Howard, M.K., B.S. Sohn, J. von Borcke, A. Xu, and M.E. Jackrel. (2020). Functional analysis of proposed substrate-binding residues of Hsp104. PLoS ONE. 15(3):e0230198. pdf file link